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  1. owly

    coding party! OooWee

    :s13:OooWeee time to beef up some LG tools!Team Fuki assemble! @fukurou we gonna be statin with an post processing skill, so role up them sleeves we gon be knee deep in code
  2. owly

    👨‍💻 dev skill tree

    the ancient Norwegians spoke of a special tree branching skills. here at team fuki jizz tech solutions, we turn sci-fi into reality. @fukurou
  3. owly

    👨‍💻 dev rail chatbot

    rail_cb{k,refreshq} priority (5) q_rail_cb: inputfilter(questions)refreshq last_output timegate(5) *friend filter ******* *input* ******* // learn learn(q) learn(rail) //toggle activate:;ret deactivate: tg.close;ret // convo active? ""->(drip)q...
  4. owly

    java to swift 141223

    skills: GamificationP,N,DiEngager, DiBlabber, DiTime,dimagic8ball,ditreater, dicron AX:magic8ball,AXShoutout,AXHandshake LG: setsimplealg(diskillv2),pl(getcurrentmonthname) @fukurou
  5. owly

    lets dev and shit

    there is a shit load o shit we outta do. so betta get started and shit ya know? lets start with the cron skill @fukurou
  6. owly

    👨‍💻 dev time to cook

    trgTime:tolerance.reset() // stop shout out if so.engage(ear){cmdArgue("do i have to wear a diaper?");tolerance.disable();event} // shout out if tolerance.trigger: if drip{so.activate();shoutout} cmdArgue(ear) @fukurou
  7. owly

    👨‍💻 dev code port and beautification

    @fukurou swift AX: AXGamification, AXNPC,AXNPC2 skills: GamificationP,N,DiEngager, DiBlabber, DiTime core: DiskillV2, playground: findDay, isLeapYear, nxtDayOnDate python skills: GamificationP,N,DiEngager, DiBlabber, DiTime core: playground: findDay, isLeapYear, nxtDayOnDate code...
  8. owly

    double dragon design pattern

    double the dragon double the fun! gamification skill addapter @fukurou setter and getter ver
  9. owly

    ahh shiiiiieeet skill cooking time!

    @fukurou startin with da NPC skill! cmdContext: toggle skill_name, again, ... ********** *per mode* ********** cmdContext: switch skill_name_mode, again, repeate, ...->cyclerMode cmdContext1: engage skill_name, engage, again, repeate, ... switch(mode): 1) cmdContext1->NPC2_0 // engage +...
  10. owly

    👨‍💻 dev asses assified assification

    @fukurou public class TrgArgue { public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue commands = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue contextCommands = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); public Boolean trgTolerance = false; public int...
  11. owly


    we start off with the improved connand context: public class AXContextCmd { // engage on commands // when commands are engaged, context commans can also engage public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue commands = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); public...
  12. owly

    our company moto is

    :s82:jizz doesn't ejaculate itself:s32:
  13. owly

    chatbot discussion

    public void addParam(AXKeyValuePair kv){ if(!(wordToList.containsKey(kv.getKey()))){ RefreshQ temp = new RefreshQ(); temp.setLimit(paramLim); wordToList.put(kv.getKey(), temp); } wordToList.get(kv.getKey()).add(kv.getValue())...
  14. owly

    👨‍💻 dev java->swiftAXPrompt

    100 Prompt AXPrompt @fukurou
  15. owly

    👨‍💻 dev java->python AXPrompt

    100 Prompt AXPrompt
  16. owly

    👨‍💻 dev swift chat modules porting

    100 +ChatBot +PercentDripper +AXNPC +AXTimeContextResponder +UniqueItemsPriorityQue*Q peak() +depracate perchance, perchance test @fukurou
  17. owly

    👨‍💻 dev python chat modules porting

    100 +ChatBot +PercentDripper +AXNPC +AXTimeContextResponder +UniqueItemsPriorityQue*Q peak() +depracate perchance, perchance test @fukurou
  18. owly

    👨‍💻 dev new AXs

    ********** *%dripper* ********** limis = 35 setLimis drip()->bool return rnd(100) < limis dripPlus(int n)->bool return rnd(100) < limis + n ***************** *AXNPC:Responder* ***************** dripper:%dripper @override respond()->str if dripper.drip(): return responder.response() return ""...
  19. owly

    team assembly

    @fukurou we are gon port the code! I've managed to deploy an advanced meeseek we gotta get the tribunal aboard. it's a 4 man job
  20. owly

    the 6th PL

    there are prons and cons to a 6th PL. IG it's the collection effect at this point. we'll need the living tribunal.