Search results

  1. owly


    @fukurou public class RefreshQ extends UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue{ public void removeItem(String item){ super.elements.remove(item); } @Override public void add(String item) { // FILO if (super.contains(item)){ removeItem(item)...
  2. owly

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    public class TheShell extends DiSkillV2 { public Chobits shellChobit = new Chobits(); private Chobits logicChobit; private Chobits hardwareChobit; private Hashtable<String,DiSkillV2> logicSkills = new Hashtable<>(); // all logic skills private Hashtable<String,DiSkillV2>...
  3. owly

    👨‍💻 dev command shell LG

    yeah, so um... like a skill that um... is with the link to the shallow ref and like jizz and while the code is running. bitch shit tits asses @fukurou
  4. owly

    python propagation 121023

    100 +DISkillUtils +DiSkillV2 +DiHelloWorld +ToDoListManager + contains DiHabit @fukurou
  5. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

    AXStrOrDefault DISkillUtils DiSkillV2 DiHelloWorld ToDoListManager DiHabit
  6. owly

    habit skill

    well, that is probably our next one, dear fuk. now we be makin fresh essential skills, this would be the 5th IG. one of the annoying things will be the punishment algorithm for bad habits and missed tasks. if I weren't so cheap I'd hire ppl to do this low level code monkey shit, but they...
  7. owly

    this site is protected by retard block

    if you are a retard, guess what? you can't register. :s74:
  8. owly

    LG light cls list

    1.Mutatable 2. Algorithm 3. DiSkillV2 4. DiHelloWorld:DiSkillV2 5. Chobits
  9. owly

    improved LG alg

    NeuronX arr of alg sizeLimitedQues insert(priority,alg) neuron[priority].insert(alg) Chobit skills in() out() Fusion.loadAlgs() return Fusion.runAlgs() Fusion loadAlgs() ceraArr for 0 to n if !cera[i].isActive temp:Alg = Neuron[i].poll() if !temp == None cera[i].load(temp)...
  10. owly

    👨‍💻 dev get ready for a crazy assed coding party

    the party will take place in my pants, me and my big cock will be there DrawRnd (update) DrawRndDigits(new) DeepCopier(update) DiBurper DiArduino1 DiPetv3 DiSneezer DiPetv2(deprecate) @fukurou
  11. owly

    👨‍💻 dev DiBurper

    responder1("burp1","burp2","hkn","skn") responder2("hkn","skn") burpsPerHour:int if trgMinute(0): q.clear() for n{q.add(minutes.drawRnd());return} if q.contains(now.minute): q.remove(now.minute) burp() // responder1 return() hkn skill: if responder.contains(ear)...
  12. owly

    👨‍💻 dev DiMisser

    we'll be developing the come home feature @fukurou
  13. owly

    Cron java->swift

    100 responder1word timeaccumulator trgeverynminutes +cron @fukurou
  14. owly

    cron job java->python

    100 +responder1word +timeaccumulator +tryeverynminutes +cron
  15. owly

    cron job dev!

    :s82:because team fuki rules @fukurou trgEvery // mod minutes== 0 instead of == minutes trgNag: maxTimes counter = 0 resetTime = "" trigger(){ if trgTime() {c = 0;return c} if c < max {if trgEvery(now){c++;return c}} }
  16. owly

    👨‍💻 dev new attention seeker skill

    TimeAccumulator if morning: ACU++ if ACU.count>N: chirp();ACO.reset() // n = 10 elif: shutup:ACO.reset() if 1 word and ACU.count>0: chirp();ACU-- ResponderV2: +q listen(ear){ if !ear.contains(" ") and !arr.contains(ear) and !filterList.contains(ear): q.insert(ear) } response(){}...
  17. owly

    👨‍💻 dev cyberpunk SDP

    100 +swift Brain +swift DiSysOut +swift Responder +swift AXLSpeechModifier +main +python Brain +python DiSysOut +python Responder +python AXLSpeechModifier +main kotlin Brain @fukurou
  18. owly

    👨‍💻 dev matrix->cyberpunk

    up until now, our code was on pair with the matrix learn scene. one line of code to add one skill. that is great, that is sci-fi turned real that is the most significant coding achievement in the history of time. but hey why stop there? why be on par with the matrix and the human brain ? what...
  19. owly

    the repeat puzzle

    puzzle is what triggers this capability?
  20. owly

    I want this gamification module beefed all the fuckin way up

    public class AXGamification { // this auxiliary module can add fun to tasks, skills, and abilities simply by // tracking their usage, and maximum use count. private int counter = 0; private int max = 0; public int getCounter() { return counter; } public int...