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  1. fukurou

    How to Publish a Book on Apple Books

  2. fukurou

    ✈️expat urban prepper

    bugout bag (everyday backpack): flashlight, water, protein bars, cell phone + extra B8Tri, swish army multitul. cash, whistle,water filter survival pen, 1st aid kit, pepper spray or tazer. important docs in water proof container + online storage 30 day supply for mainly natural dissasters or...
  3. fukurou

    🥐 pastry apple pancake

    ✅Ingredients • 1½ cups all-purpose flour • 2 teaspoons baking powder • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1¼ cup vegiterian milk (coconut or almond or hazelnut) • 2 large eggs • 1/4 cup applesauce • 1/2 cup shredded granny smith apple grate apple sift: flower + baking powder +...
  4. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev ChobitsV2 python

    ''' ChobitsV2 CLASS ''' class ChobitsV2(Thinkable): def __init__(self, personality: Personality): super().__init__() self.AlgDurations: dict[str, int] = personality.getAlgDurations() self.fusion: Fusion = Personality.getFusion() # Override def think(self...
  5. fukurou

    how to force uninstall the your phone app on windows

    Open Start. Search for Windows PowerShell, right-click the top result and select Run as Administrator. Type the following command to uninstall the app and press Enter: Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage restart your machine Once you complete these steps, the...
  6. fukurou

    ice tea

  7. fukurou

    updated ChobitsV2

    package LG_Core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; public class ChobitV2 extends Thinkable { protected String emot = ""; // emotion protected ArrayList<AbsCmdReq> dClassesLv1; protected ArrayList<AbsCmdReq> dClassesLv2;// can engage with friends and work...
  8. fukurou

    rick and morty season 6

  9. fukurou

    task : ChobitsV2

    translate these 2 classes from java to python note the timegate class is a bit different than the one you've already translated package LG_Core; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class TimeGate { // a gate that only opens x minutes after it has been set private...
  10. fukurou

    Permitter process

    ''' PERMISSION CLASS ''' class Permission: ''' * uses two names as lv1,2 permission levels * requires password to change password or said names ''' singleton: Permission = None def __init__(self, password: str, lv1Name: str, lv2Name: str): if...
  11. fukurou

    lego technics

  12. fukurou

    🐍 python example singleton software design pattern

    class PersonSingleton: __instance = None @staticmethod def getInstance(name: str, age: int): """ Static access method. """ if PersonSingleton.__instance == None: PersonSingleton(name, age) return PersonSingleton.__instance def __init__(self...
  13. fukurou


  14. fukurou

    rice cooker: sushi rice

  15. fukurou

    Permission and DPermitter

    translate from java to python package LG_Core; public class Permission { /* * uses two names as lv1,2 permission levels * requires password to change password or said names */ private static Permission singleton; private String password, lv1Name, lv2Name; private...
  16. fukurou

    active task: translate personality class from java to python

    Personality //the chobit class uses the personality class to load up all the skills package LG_Core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; public class Personality { /*this class is used in the ChobitV2 c'tor. it enables loading a complete skill set (a sub class of the...
  17. fukurou

    err fusion

    dictionary = {"string" : 5} neuron = Neuron() fusion = Fusion(dictionary) ds:DISkillUtils = DISkillUtils() alg1:Algorithm = ds.simpleVerbatimAlgorithm("test","hello") neuron.algParts.append(alg1) danger_alg:Algorithm = ds.simpleVerbatimAlgorithm("danger_test","hadoken")...
  18. fukurou

    anime 2022
