Search results

  1. fukurou

    [skill package] active task

    RegexUtil : import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; // returns expression of type theRegex from the string str2Check public class RegexUtil { public String regexChecker(String theRegex, String str2Check) {...
  2. fukurou

    test arduino

    /* Blinking LED project. Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Last Modification modified 30 March 2020 by Roy Ben Avraham */ // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin 13 as an...
  3. fukurou

    kinpatsu mono

  4. fukurou

    progbar test

  5. fukurou

    test hello kitty

    hello kitty
  6. fukurou

    test dora

    tu tu tu tu tu dora
  7. fukurou


  8. fukurou

    site rules

    keep it legal no flaming
  9. fukurou


  10. fukurou

    🐍 python Chii's python suit

    AbsDictionaryDB from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class AbsDictionaryDB(ABC): @abstractmethod def save(key: str, value: str): '''save to DB''' pass @abstractmethod def load(key: str) -> str: '''set to return "null" as default if key not found !!!'''...
  11. fukurou

    stratego best setups
  12. fukurou

    test scheduled

  13. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev active task

    convert to python : abstract class AbsDictionaryDB { abstract fun save(key: String, value: String) abstract fun load(key: String): String //TODO set to return null as default if key not found !!! }
  14. fukurou

    chiis python suit scrum

    marked with "-" is completed 100 37 core classes out of 37 -APCldVerbatim -APSay -APVerbatim -AbsDictionaryDB -AbsAlgPart ~AbsCmdReq -AbsDictionaryDBShadow -Algorithm -Brain -Cerabellum ~CerabellumV2 -Chi -ChobitsV2 -CldBool -DExplorer ~DISkill -DPermitter -DiSkillUtill -DiSkillV2 -Fusion...
  15. fukurou


    from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from enum import Enum ''' Failure types: - ok: no fail - requip: item should be added - cloudian: algorithm goes to stand by in its Dclass - fail: no input ''' class enumFail(Enum): fail = "fail" requip = "requip"...
  16. fukurou

    test code

    package // 1 fun main() { // 2 println("Hello, World!") // 3 }
  17. fukurou

