Search results

  1. fukurou

    oven eggplant

  2. fukurou

    🎮gaming TyranoBuilder VN engine

  3. fukurou

    pokemon order

    Espeon (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Magic Bounce Tera Type: Psychic EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 132 SpD - Psychic - Last Resort - Protect - Yawn
  4. fukurou

    c# and are dead because of me

    I was the one posting the best coding walkthroughs on but .nets documentation was absolute garbage, still is worse of all whenever I went to their forums and ask a question they would mock me. me whose walkthroughs had the most views in the world I told them I would end .net, and they...
  5. fukurou

    nut smoothie

    blend : hazelnut milk, raw tahini, dates
  6. fukurou

    how to get wo-chien

  7. fukurou

    🥐 pastry tahini bread

    half can raw tahini 4 eggs 2 spoons honey tbs baking powder and baking soda mix bake at 170 degrees in an oiled pan (olive oil) for 25 minutes on turbo (with oven fan on)
  8. fukurou

    pokemon shield superb team builds

    ice: 1 zacian: rusted sword iron head, moon blast, dig, crunch 2 celestina: leftovers leech seed, protect, substitute,air slash 3 tapu koko: choice band (electric surge) volt switch, brave bird, u-turn, thunderbolt 4 regieleki: (transistor) thunder cage, electroweb,extreme speed, magnet rise 5...
  9. fukurou

    unity 3d

  10. fukurou


  11. fukurou

    github code space

  12. fukurou

    suggested skill summary convention format for LivinGrimoire skills

    skill name skill creator skill description skill triggers notes (optional)
  13. fukurou

    pokemon violet broken teams strategies

  14. fukurou

    japanese luxury design principles

    1 the pattern of Japanese old school ryokan design is wooden floors, and panels. at times even the ceilings are covered. 2 living rooms are covered with tatami mats. 3 technologic advancements are incorporated into the house: robotic toilets with bides, water temperature led control panels 4...
  15. fukurou

    pita bread (replace sugar with honey)

  16. fukurou

    Cream of Mushroom Soup

  17. fukurou

    🐦swift auxiliary module SkillHubAlgDispencer class SkillHubAlgDispenser { /// super class to output an algorithm out of a selection of skills /// engage the hub with dispenseAlg and return the value to the containing the outAlg attribute...
  18. fukurou

    LivinGrimoire auxiliary modules codex added

    wiki : codes:
  19. fukurou

    2 day for the nikke goddess of victory release

    blocked on the playstore but available on the tap tap app which is an alternative app store
  20. fukurou

    🎮gaming Zenless Zone Zero

    the promo of the app game looked awesome, but the gameplay looks hella boring basically, a bunch of sluggish bosses with tons of HP