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  1. fukurou

    rog 6 pro megathread

  2. fukurou

    ms dos documentary

  3. fukurou

    🍵 kotlin simple main function for code testing

    fun main(args:Array<String>) { }
  4. fukurou

    📕books the manga guide to microprocessors by michio shibuya and takashi tonashi

    I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars IG it does explain some concepts well but mostly it keeps you wondering and in the dark regarding the full process and how the processor actually works. it's just too vague of explanations how does the data travel, how do the parts work together? how are oppcodes...
  5. fukurou

    📕books how people learn by olivia mesa

    this book wasn't as the title suggest it did not talk about the learning process and algorithms the book was basically a compilation of dry facts about the brain
  6. fukurou


    fun sum1(vararg values: Int): Int { var total = 0 for (i in values.indices) { total += values[i] } return total } println(sum1(1,2,4))
  7. fukurou

    🎮gaming cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.6

  8. fukurou

    🎮gaming kill la kill how to play

  9. fukurou

    keynote codes

    1 objects spread elements evenly: arrange->distribute objects group elements : select elements->arrange->group 2 layers set object layer level : view->show object list->format->arrange or format->arrange 3 transitions animate->add an effect magic move: duplicate a slide->move object in 2nd...
  10. fukurou

    🍵 kotlin kotlin cheat sheet

    *variables* var age = 0 // implicit var declaration var isCompleted = false // explicit var declaration val test = 3; // constant *strings* var s1:String = "hello" val result:String = "hello $name" *classes* class MyClass: Any() { var myProperty = 12 // methodes } val mClass =...
  11. fukurou

    🍵 kotlin Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage

    place the main code inside a kotlin class file, not in a plain kt file class Tester { } fun main(args:Array<String>) { val age = 0 // implicit var declaration val isCompleted = false // explicit var declaration val num = 2 // constant takes less space than var println("test") }
  12. fukurou

    🐍 python SyntaxError: invalid syntax when using match case

    to fix this you need your pycharm to use python (version) 3.1 : delete pycharm and python on the pycharm IDE: Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the project Settings/Preferences and go to Project: <project...