// returns expression of type theRegex from the string str2Check
class RegexUtil {
var regexDictionary: Hashtable<enumRegexGrimoire, String> = Hashtable<enumRegexGrimoire, String>()
init {
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Email] = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.TimeStamp] = "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.SimpleTimeStamp] = "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.SecondlessTimeStamp] = "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.FullDate] =
"[0-9]{1,4}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Date] = "[0-9]{1,4}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Double_num] = "[-+]?[0-9]*[.,][0-9]*"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Integer] = "[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.RepeatedWord] = "\\b([\\w\\s']+) \\1\\b"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Phone] = "[0]\\d{9}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.TrackingID] = "[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{9}[A-Z]{2}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.IPV4] = "([0-9].){4}[0-9]*"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Domain] = "[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"
regexDictionary[enumRegexGrimoire.Number] = "\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"
fun extractRegex(theRegex: String, str2Check: String): String {
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
return regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' }
return ""
fun extractRegex(theRegex: enumRegexGrimoire, str2Check: String): String {
val checkRegex = regexDictionary[theRegex]?.let { Pattern.compile(it) } ?: return ""
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
return regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' }
return ""
fun extractAllRegexes(theRegex: String, str2Check: String): ArrayList<String> {
// return a list of all matches
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
list.add(regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' })
return list
fun extractAllRegexes(theRegex: enumRegexGrimoire, str2Check: String): ArrayList<String> {
// return a list of all matches
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = regexDictionary[theRegex]?.let { Pattern.compile(it) } ?: return list
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
list.add(regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' })
return list
fun pointRegex(str2Check: String): Point {
// "[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]*)?" for double numbers
val theRegex = "[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}"
val result = Point(0, 0)
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
result.y = regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' }.toInt()
var phase2 = str2Check.replace(result.y.toString() + "", "")
phase2 = extractRegex(enumRegexGrimoire.Number, phase2)
result.x = phase2.toInt()
return result
fun contactRegex(str2Check: String): String {
// return a list of all matches
val theRegex = "(?<=contact)(.*)"
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
return regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' }
return ""
fun duplicateRegex(str2Check: String): String {
// return a list of all matches
// String theRegex = "\\b(\\w+)(\\b\\W+\\b\\1\\b)*";
val theRegex = "\\b([\\w\\s']+) \\1\\b" // set to 1 repeat of a word like hadoken hadoken
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
return uniqueWord(regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' })
return ""
fun uniqueWord(str: String): String {
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val s = str.split(" ".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()
var p = s[0]
for (i in 1 until s.size) {
if (p !== s[i]) {
p = s[i]
} // i
return list[0]
fun afterWord(word: String, str2Check: String): String {
// return a list of all matches
val theRegex = "(?<=$word)(.*)"
val list = ArrayList<String>()
val checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex)
val regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check)
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if (regexMatcher.group().isNotEmpty()) {
return regexMatcher.group().trim { it <= ' ' }
return ""
fun firstWord(str2Check: String): String {
val arr = str2Check.split(" ".toRegex(), limit = 2).toTypedArray()
return arr[0]