macOS codes


the supreme coder

language change: ^+space
Switch active app: cmd tab/shift
switch app window: cmd ~
force escape app: cmd option escape
close app window: cmd w
close all app windows: Option-Command-W
Summon spotlight search: cmd+space, (cmd+r:open result)
50% 2 windows display: long click the green circle

zoom: cmd + or -
emojis: ^+cmd+space
screen capture: shift+cmd+4
togle full screen: ^+cmd+f

Close all windows: Option+Command+W
item info:Command+I
Duplicate item: Command+D
print: Command+P
delete: Command+Delete
Search: Command+F
Command+1: icon view
Command+2: list view
Command+3: column view
Command+4: gallery view

*Text navigation*
home/end btn: cmd+<->
(adding shift key will select the text)
paste text without formatting: Option+Shift+cmd+V
undo: cmd + z
undo undo: cmd + shift + z
copy paste: cmd+c,cmd + v
cut: cmd + x

new window: cmd + n
new private window: shift+cmd+n

^+up: drag drop to desktop
switch desktops : ^ <- or ->