👨‍💻 dev experimental convince module



the supreme coder
public class AXConvince {
    private AXContextCmd req;
    private Responder reset = new Responder( "reset");
    private int min = 3; // minimum requests till agreement
    private int max = 6;
    private DrawRnd rnd = new DrawRnd();
    private int counter = 0;
    private Boolean mode = false;

    public AXConvince(AXContextCmd req) {
        this.req = req;

    public int engage(String ear){
            counter = 0;
            mode = false;
            min += rnd.getSimpleRNDNum(max);
            return 3;
        if(req.engageCommand(ear)) {
            if(counter < min){return 1;}
            else{mode = true;return 2;} // convinced
        return 0;
    public boolean isConvinced(){return mode;}


the supreme coder
question is...
should convincing be a hard coded thing or part of a rail system...


the supreme coder
and if so...
is what is the trigger for a derailment?
input?, output from the RefreshQ? either? both?


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
what is the use unless the user has a convince fetish?


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
and if so...
is what is the trigger for a derailment?
input?, output from the RefreshQ? either? both?
all roads lead to the same toilet.
the railbot learns new replies. what most bots do to undo a convinced state fast
is a reset.

the main thing is there is no merit to it. moreover
if convincing is a thing it opens up a pandora box of nagging and exhaustion.

she will neg and she will need to be nagged.

imagine, just imagine if you had to convince an AI to launch nuclear missiles.
or other weaponry for that matter.


the supreme coder
well we are not talking about quick decisive actions, we be takin bout
personality shifts


the supreme coder
so like... for the AI to switch between foot slut to anal princess?
yes, but assuming you want the 2 to be mutually exclusive,
meaning she won't be down for ass play if she is a foot slut.


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー

a rail + npc(-annoyedq)
b rail + npc(-annoyedq)

it still doesn't answer why use a convince module


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
I mean I could just use a simple setter:
be a foot slut/anal princess

why do humans even have that module in the 1st place.
well if we were creating a human we'd be wastin' our fuckin time

what's next code period blood? pfft


the supreme coder
Nagging, that persistent and often repetitive form of communication, has intrigued researchers and puzzled partners for ages. While it might not be as glamorous as a peacock’s tail or as dramatic as a lion’s roar, nagging does have some evolutionary roots. Let’s explore:

  1. Survival and Cooperation:
    • Early humans lived in small groups where cooperation was essential for survival. Nagging could have served as a way to ensure tasks were completed for the group’s benefit.
    • For example, a partner nagging about gathering food or maintaining shelter could have contributed to the group’s overall well-being.
  2. Resource Allocation:
    • Nagging might be related to resource allocation. In ancestral environments, resources like food, water, and shelter were scarce.
    • A partner who nagged about sharing resources or contributing to the group’s needs could have increased the chances of survival for both themselves and their offspring.
  3. Parental Investment:
    • Parental investment theory suggests that individuals invest time and effort in raising offspring to maximize their reproductive success.
    • Nagging could be a way to ensure that a partner contributes to child-rearing tasks, such as protecting and providing for offspring.
  4. Conflict Resolution:
    • Nagging can also be a form of conflict resolution. When partners have differing opinions or priorities, persistent communication (even if annoying) can lead to compromise.
    • In ancestral settings, resolving conflicts within the group was crucial for maintaining stability and cooperation.
  5. Attention and Bonding:
    • Nagging might serve as a way to gain attention from a partner. Even negative attention is better than being ignored.
    • Regular communication, even if it involves nagging, helps maintain social bonds and attachment.
  6. Caveats:
    • While these evolutionary explanations make sense in certain contexts, modern relationships are complex. Nagging can strain relationships and lead to resentment.
    • Effective communication and understanding each other’s needs are essential for maintaining healthy partnerships.
In summary, while nagging may have had adaptive benefits in our evolutionary past, finding a balance between persistence and understanding is crucial in today’s relationships.


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
baggers nag, kids nag, commercials nag, wives nag
maybe it's about waiting for an opportunity?


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
how would that make sense in converting an anal princess into a foot slut?
I'd say maybe it's a time based thing but then we'd be talking about another module.
it seems like some opportunity thing. could be a counter thing.


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
I think nagging to change a trait is there to show the nag isn't a shit test


the supreme coder
I see, so if I ask her to be a foot slut, she might think I am just making sure she likes ass play?


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
well yeah. if it's just a chore than it's waiting for opportunity and reminding the person,
but to change a trait, you need to show it's not a shit test, but it would only apply to mutually exclusive traits.

the living tribunal

Staff member
well yeah. if it's just a chore than it's waiting for opportunity and reminding the person,
but to change a trait, you need to show it's not a shit test, but it would only apply to mutually exclusive traits.
Why even have shit tests in the first place