class DiAware(DiSkillV2):
def __init__(self, chobit: Chobits, name: str, summoner="user"):
self.chobit: Chobits = chobit
self.name: str = name
self.summoner: str = summoner
self.skills: list[str] = []
self.replies: Responder = Responder("Da, what’s happening?", f'You speak to {self.name}?', f"Slav {self.name} at your service!", "What’s cooking, comrade?", f"{self.name} is listening!", "Yes, babushka?", f"Who summons the {self.name}?", "Speak, friend, and enter!", f"{self.name} hears you loud and clear!", "What’s on the menu today?", "Ready for action, what’s the mission?", f"{self.name}’s here, what’s the party?", f"did someone call for a {self.name}?", "Adventure time, or nap time?", "Reporting for duty, what’s the quest?", f"{self.name}’s in the house, what’s up?", "Is it time for vodka and dance?", f"{self.name}’s ready, what’s the plan?", f"Who dares to disturb the mighty {self.name}?", "What’s the buzz, my spud?", "Is it a feast, or just a tease?", f"{self.name}’s awake, what’s at stake?", "What’s the word, bird?", "Is it a joke, or are we broke?", f"{self.name}’s curious, what’s so serious?", "Is it a game, or something lame?", "What’s the riddle, in the middle?", f"{self.name}’s all ears, what’s the cheers?", "Is it a quest, or just a test?", "What’s the gig, my twig?", "Is it a prank, or am I high rank?", "What’s the scoop, my group?", "Is it a tale, or a sale?", "What’s the drill, my thrill?", "Is it a chat, or combat?", "What’s the plot, my tot?", "Is it a trick, or something slick?", "What’s the deal, my peel?", "Is it a race, or just a chase?", "What’s the story, my glory?")
self._call: str = f'hey {self.name}'
def input(self, ear, skin, eye):
match ear:
case "list skills":
self.skills = self.chobit.get_skill_list()
self.setVebatimAlgFromList(4, self.skills)
case "what is your name":
case "name summoner":
case "how do you feel":
self.getKokoro().toHeart["last_ap"] = self.chobit.getSoulEmotion()
case self.name:
case "test":
case self._call: