👨‍💻 dev active task



the supreme coder
convert to python :
abstract class AbsDictionaryDB {
    abstract fun save(key: String, value: String)
    abstract fun load(key: String): String //TODO set to return null as default if key not found !!!


the supreme coder
class AbsDictionaryDB(ABC):
    def save(key: str, value: str):
        '''Returns action string'''

    def load(key: str) -> str:
        '''TODO set to return null as default if key not found !!!'''


the supreme coder

class AbsDictionaryDBShadow : AbsDictionaryDB() {
    // used as a fill in class if you want to test the chobit and havent built a DB
    // class yet
    override fun save(key: String, value: String) {}
    override fun load(key: String): String {
        return "null"


the supreme coder
some algParts can mutate into different algParts on certain events such as failures
these algParts are equiped with an interface called mutatable :

public interface Mutatable {
    public AbsAlgPart mutation();

example of a mutatable algPart :

package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class APMoan0 extends AbsAlgPart implements Mutatable {
    protected Random rand = new Random();
    protected final int failed = 3;
    protected enumFail failure = enumFail.ok;
    protected boolean isComplete = false;
    protected ArrayList<String> interactions;
    protected ArrayList<String> moans;
    protected ArrayList<String> groans;
    protected ArrayList<String> moanList;
    protected int noInputCounter = 0;

    public APMoan0() {
        moanList = new ArrayList<>();
        interactions = new ArrayList<>();
        moans = new ArrayList<>();
        groans = new ArrayList<>();

    public AbsAlgPart mutation() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        if (!ear.equals("")) {
            noInputCounter = 0;
        if (ear.contains("thank you")) {
            isComplete = true;
            return "fuck you very much";
        if (ear.equals("")) {
            if (noInputCounter > failed) {
                failure = enumFail.fail;
        } //
        else if (interactions.contains(ear)) {
            return moans.get(rand.nextInt(moans.size()));
        return groans.get(rand.nextInt(groans.size()));

    public enumFail failure(String input) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return this.failure;

    public Boolean completed() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return isComplete;

    public AbsAlgPart clone() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public Boolean itemize() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public int getMutationLimit() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 1;


python does not have interfaces => the mutatable should be a subclass of the AbsAlgPart :

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum

Failure types:
- ok: no fail
- requip: item should be added
- cloudian: algorithm goes to stand by in its Dclass
- fail: no input

class enumFail(Enum):
    fail = "fail"
    requip = "requip"
    dequip = "dequip"
    cloudian = "cloudian"
    ok = "ok"

class AbsAlgPart:
    def action(self, ear: str, skin: str, eye: str) -> str:
        '''Returns action string'''
# depracated :
    # @abstractmethod
    # def itemize(self) -> bool:
    #     '''Equip with item ?'''
    #     pass

    def failure(self, input: str) -> enumFail:
        '''Failure type only mutatable may use enumFail.fail'''

    def completed(self) -> bool:
        '''Has finished ?'''

    def clone(self) -> AbsAlgPart:

    def getMutationLimit(self) -> int:
        return 0

    def myName(self) -> str:
        '''Returns the class name'''
        return self.__class__.__name__


the supreme coder
convert the GrimoireMemento class to python :

import java.util.Hashtable;

public class GrimoireMemento {
    private Hashtable<String, String> rootToAPNumDic = new Hashtable<>();
    private Hashtable<String, AbsAlgPart> APNumToObjDic = new Hashtable<>();
    private AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB;

    public GrimoireMemento(AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB) {
        this.absDictionaryDB = absDictionaryDB;

    public AbsAlgPart load(AbsAlgPart obj) {
         * load final mutation from memory of obj
        String objName = obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
        String objRoot = objName.replaceAll("\\d+", "");
        // if not in active DB try adding from external DB
        if (!rootToAPNumDic.containsKey(objRoot)) {
            String temp = this.absDictionaryDB.load(objRoot);
            if (!temp.equals("null")) {
                rootToAPNumDic.put(objRoot, temp);
        if (!rootToAPNumDic.containsKey(objRoot)) {
            rootToAPNumDic.put(objRoot, objName);
            return obj;

        if (rootToAPNumDic.get(objRoot).equals(objName)) {
            return obj;
        } else {
            String APNum = rootToAPNumDic.get(objRoot);
            if (APNumToObjDic.containsKey(APNum)) {
                return APNumToObjDic.get(APNum).clone();
            } else {
                loadMutations(obj, objName, objRoot);
                return APNumToObjDic.get(APNum).clone();

    public void reqquipMutation(String mutationAPName) {
        // save mutation
        rootToAPNumDic.put(mutationAPName.replaceAll("\\d+", ""), mutationAPName);
        this.absDictionaryDB.save(mutationAPName.replaceAll("\\d+", ""), mutationAPName);

    private void loadMutations(AbsAlgPart obj, String objName, String objRoot) {
        // make sure all the AP mutation sets of obj are present
        // this assumes the last mutation mutates into the prime mutation
        Mutatable mutant;
        String end = objName;
        do {
            APNumToObjDic.put(obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), obj.clone());
            mutant = (Mutatable) obj;
            obj = mutant.mutation();
        while (!end.equals(obj.getClass().getSimpleName()));
    public String simpleLoad(String key){
        return this.absDictionaryDB.load(key);
    public void simpleSave(String key, String value){

notice this line :
objName.replaceAll("\\d+", "");
simply removes numbers from a string
the GrimoireMemento class manages the database. it has save, load methods for skills to use if needed
and it has a save load for algPart Mutations (to remember to optimize algorithms)


the supreme coder
import java.util.Hashtable;

public class GrimoireMemento {
//class has been modified, only use chi adaptor for mutation objects to enable save load of final mutations
    private Hashtable<String, String> rootToAPNumDic = new Hashtable<>();
    private Hashtable<String, Mutatable> APNumToObjDic = new Hashtable<>();
    private AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB;

    public GrimoireMemento(AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB) {
        this.absDictionaryDB = absDictionaryDB;

    public Mutatable load(Mutatable obj) {
         * load final mutation from memory of obj
        String objName = obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
        String objRoot = objName.replaceAll("\\d+", "");
        // if not in active DB try adding from external DB
        if (!rootToAPNumDic.containsKey(objRoot)) {
            String temp = this.absDictionaryDB.load(objRoot);
            if (!temp.equals("null")) {
                rootToAPNumDic.put(objRoot, temp);
        if (!rootToAPNumDic.containsKey(objRoot)) {
            rootToAPNumDic.put(objRoot, objName);
            return obj;

        if (rootToAPNumDic.get(objRoot).equals(objName)) {
            return obj;
        } else {
            String APNum = rootToAPNumDic.get(objRoot);
            if (APNumToObjDic.containsKey(APNum)) {
                return APNumToObjDic.get(APNum).clone();
            } else {
                loadMutations(obj, objName, objRoot);
                return APNumToObjDic.get(APNum).clone();

    public void reqquipMutation(String mutationAPName) {
        // save mutation
        rootToAPNumDic.put(mutationAPName.replaceAll("\\d+", ""), mutationAPName);
        this.absDictionaryDB.save(mutationAPName.replaceAll("\\d+", ""), mutationAPName);

    private void loadMutations(Mutatable obj, String objName, String objRoot) {
        // make sure all the AP mutation sets of obj are present
        // this assumes the last mutation mutates into the prime mutation
        Mutatable mutant;
        String end = objName;
        do {
            APNumToObjDic.put(obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), obj.clone());
            mutant = (Mutatable) obj;
            obj = mutant.mutation();
        while (!end.equals(obj.getClass().getSimpleName()));
    public String simpleLoad(String key){
        return this.absDictionaryDB.load(key);
    public void simpleSave(String key, String value){


the supreme coder
mock python classes for testing the GrimoireMemento :
class t1(Mutatable, ABC):
    def mutation(self) -> Mutatable:
        print("t1 mutating into t2")
        return t2()

    def clone(self) -> Mutatable:
        print("t1 cloning another t1")
        return t1()

class t2(Mutatable, ABC):
    def mutation(self) -> Mutatable:
        print("t2 mutating into t1")
        return t1()

    def clone(self) -> Mutatable:
        print("t2 cloning another t2")
        return t2()


the supreme coder
task review (GrimoireMemento):
  1. the code line to remove numbers did not work I had to fix it
  2. mutant = obj was omitted in the loadMutations method which resulted in an infinite while loop
  3. don't know why the AbsDictionaryDB was implemented when there is already an AbsDictionaryDBShadow class ready


the supreme coder
next battle :
the Algorithm class

import java.util.ArrayList;

// a step by step plan to achieve a goal

public class Algorithm {

    private String goal;

    private String representation;

    private ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts = new ArrayList<>();

    public Algorithm(String goal, String representation, ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts) {


        this.goal = goal;

        this.representation = representation;

        this.algParts = algParts;


    // *constract with string and goal

    public String getGoal() {

        return goal;


    public String getRepresentation() {

        return representation;


    public ArrayList<Mutatable> getAlgParts() {

        return algParts;


    public int getSize() {

        return algParts.size();


    public Algorithm clone() {

        ArrayList<Mutatable> parts = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Mutatable Mutatable : this.algParts) {



        return new Algorithm(this.goal, getRepresentation(), parts);




the supreme coder

public class CldBool {
    //cloudian : this class is used to provide shadow reference to a boolean variable
    private Boolean modeActive = false;

    public Boolean getModeActive() {
        return modeActive;

    public void setModeActive(Boolean modeActive) {
        this.modeActive = modeActive;


the CldBool is a spy. it gets past into classes using a shallow reference, thus enabaling the skills to spy on an algorithm's state
which can be used for example, to not send new algorithms while the latest one has not finished yet


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class APCldVerbatim extends Mutatable {
     * this algorithm part says each past param verbatim
    private ArrayList<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>();
    private int at = 0;
    private CldBool cldBool;

    public APCldVerbatim(CldBool cldBool, String... sentences) {
        for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
        if (0 == sentences.length) {
            at = 30;
        this.cldBool = cldBool;

    public APCldVerbatim(CldBool cldBool, ArrayList<String> list1) {
        this.sentences = new ArrayList<String>(list1);
        if (0 == this.sentences.size()) {
            at = 30;
        this.cldBool = cldBool;

    public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String axnStr = "";
        if (this.at < this.sentences.size()) {
            axnStr = this.sentences.get(at);
        cldBool.setModeActive(!(at >= this.sentences.size()));
        return axnStr;

    public enumFail failure(String input) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return enumFail.ok;

    public Boolean completed() {
        return at >= this.sentences.size();

    public Mutatable clone() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new APCldVerbatim(cldBool, this.sentences);
Last edited:


the supreme coder
the kokoro class and the chi class

package com.yotamarker.lgkotlin1;

import java.util.Hashtable;

/* all action data goes through here
 * detects negatives such as : repetition, pain on various levels and failures
 * serves as a database for memories, convos and alg generations
 * can trigger revenge algs
 * checks for % of difference in input for exploration type algs
 * */
public class Kokoro {
    private String emot = "";

    public String getEmot() {
        return emot;

    public void setEmot(String emot) {
        this.emot = emot;

    Hashtable<String, Integer> pain = new Hashtable<>();
    public GrimoireMemento grimoireMemento;
    public Hashtable<String, String> toHeart = new Hashtable<>();
    public Hashtable<String, String> fromHeart = new Hashtable<>();
    public Boolean standBy = false;
    public Kokoro(AbsDictionaryDB absDictionaryDB) {
        this.grimoireMemento = new GrimoireMemento(absDictionaryDB);

    public int getPain(String BijuuName) {
        return pain.getOrDefault(BijuuName, 0);

    public void in(Chi chi) {
    public void out(Boolean isCompleted, enumFail failure) {

public class Chi extends Mutatable {
     * an adaptor pattern to the alg part, it also has the kokoro consiousness
     * object to be aware throughout the program of what is happening all action
     * data goes through this soul.
    public Kokoro kokoro;
    public String ofSkill;
    public Mutatable aPart;

    public Chi(Kokoro kokoro, String ofSkill, Mutatable aPart) {
        this.kokoro = kokoro;
        this.ofSkill = ofSkill;
        this.aPart = kokoro.grimoireMemento.load(aPart);

    public String actualAction(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        return aPart.action(ear, skin, eye);
    public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        String result = actualAction(ear, skin, eye);
        kokoro.out(completed(), failure(""));
        return result;

    public enumFail failure(String input) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return aPart.failure(input);

    public Boolean completed() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return aPart.completed();

    public Mutatable clone() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new Chi(kokoro, this.ofSkill, aPart.clone());
    public int getMutationLimit() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return aPart.getMutationLimit();

    public Mutatable mutation() {
        Mutatable mutant = (Mutatable) aPart;
        Mutatable tempAP = mutant.mutation();
        return new Chi(kokoro, this.ofSkill, tempAP);

    public String myName() {
        return aPart.myName();

the chi class uses the adaptor design pattern, on the mutatable class
and passes information to the kokoro class.

the kokoro class passes through the programs skills (which manufacture algorithms) via a shallow reference
enabling them to communicate if needed. so the kokoro class is basically the AGIs consciousness.


the supreme coder
Neuron and DISkillUtils

import java.util.ArrayList;

// used to transport algorithms to other classes
public class Neuron {
    public ArrayList<Algorithm> algParts = new ArrayList<>();
    public ArrayList<Algorithm> negativeAlgParts = new ArrayList<>();
    public void empty() {

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DISkillUtils {
    public Algorithm verbatimGorithm(Mutatable itte) {
        // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
        String representation = "util";
        ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
        Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("util", representation, algParts1);
        return algorithm;

    public Algorithm verbatimGorithm(String algMarker, Mutatable itte) {
        // returns a simple algorithm for saying sent parameter
        String representation = "util";
        ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
        Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("util", representation, algParts1);
        return algorithm;

    public Algorithm customizedVerbatimGorithm(String algMarker, Mutatable itte) {
        // the most stable and advanced algorithm builder
        // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
        String representation = "r_" + algMarker;
        ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
        Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm(algMarker, representation, algParts1);
        return algorithm;

    public Algorithm customizedVerbatimGorithm(String algMarker, Mutatable... itte) {
        // the most stable and advanced algorithm builder
        // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part
        String representation = "r_" + algMarker;
        ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < itte.length; i++) {
        Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm(algMarker, representation, algParts1);
        return algorithm;

    public Algorithm simpleVerbatimAlgorithm(String algMarker, String... sayThis) {
        // returns alg that says the word string (sayThis)
        return customizedVerbatimGorithm(algMarker, new APVerbatim(sayThis));

    public Algorithm simpleCloudiandVerbatimAlgorithm(CldBool cldBool, String algMarker, String... sayThis) {
        // returns alg that says the word string (sayThis)
        return customizedVerbatimGorithm(algMarker, new APCldVerbatim(cldBool, sayThis));
    public String strContainsList(String str1, ArrayList<String> items) {
        // returns the 1st match between words in a string and values in a list.
        for (String temp : items) {
            if (str1.contains(temp)) {
                return temp;
        return "";


the supreme coder
translate to python

public class DiSkillV2 {
    protected Kokoro kokoro; // consciousness, shallow ref class to enable interskill communications
    protected DISkillUtils diSkillUtils = new DISkillUtils();
    protected Algorithm outAlg = null; // skills output

    public DiSkillV2(Kokoro kokoro) {
        this.kokoro = kokoro;
    public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
    public void output(Neuron noiron) {
        if (outAlg != null) {
            outAlg = null;
    public Boolean auto() {
        // does this skill also engage by time triggers ? is it also a level > 1 type of
        // skill ? if yes
        // override me and return true;
        return false;


the supreme coder
translate to python :
Cerabellum :

public class Cerabellum {
    // runs an algorithm
    private int fin;
    private int at;
    private enumFail failType;
    private Boolean incrementAt = false;

    public void advanceInAlg() {
        if (incrementAt) {
            incrementAt = false;
            if (at == fin) {
                isActive = false;

    public int getAt() {
        return at;

    public Algorithm alg;
    private boolean isActive = false;
    private String emot = "";

    public String getEmot() {
        return emot;
    public boolean setAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm) {
        if (!isActive && (algorithm.getAlgParts() != null)) {
            this.alg = algorithm;
            this.at = 0;
            this.fin = algorithm.getSize();
            this.isActive = true;
            this.emot = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).myName(); // updated line
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean isActive() {
        return isActive;

    public boolean setActive(Boolean b1) {
        return isActive = b1;
    public void setActive(boolean isActive) {
        this.isActive = isActive;

    public String act(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        String axnStr = "";
        if (!isActive) {
            return axnStr;
        if (at < fin) {
            axnStr = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).action(ear, skin, eye);
            this.emot = alg.getAlgParts().get(at).myName();
            if (alg.getAlgParts().get(at).completed()) {
                incrementAt = true;
                // at++;
                // if (at == fin) {
                // isActive = false;
                // }
        return axnStr;

    public int getMutationLimitOfActiveAlgPart() {
        return alg.getAlgParts().get(at).getMutationLimit();
    public enumFail getFailType() {
        return alg.getAlgParts().get(at).failure("");


package com.yotamarker.lgkotlin1;
//D class responsible for exploring :
// learning, mutating algorithms, requiping APs with objects or skill mods
// the sould resides here

public class DExplorer extends DiSkillV2 {
    private int failureCounter = 0;
    private String prevAP = "";
    public void output(Neuron noiron) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void mutate(Cerabellum cera, enumFail failure) {
        String AP = cera.getEmot();
         * group relies on a naming convention each class in a mutation series must have
         * the same class name concated with a number : APMoan1, APMoan2, APMaon3 ...
        AP = AP.replaceAll("\\d+", "");
        // give up ? :
        if (prevAP.contains(AP) && !failure.toString().equals(enumFail.ok.toString())) {
            if (failureCounter > cera.getMutationLimitOfActiveAlgPart()) {
                // this.failureCounter = 0;
        else {
            if (!prevAP.contains(AP)) {
                failureCounter = 0;
        prevAP = AP;
        switch (failure) {
            case fail:
                Mutatable mutant = (Mutatable) cera.alg.getAlgParts().get(cera.getAt());
                cera.alg.getAlgParts().set(cera.getAt(), mutant.mutation());
        case cloudian: