Rpg maker mv quiz battle walkthrough

the living tribunal

Staff member
To set up a system where the monster asks random questions and the player attacks the monster if they answer correctly (or loses HP if they answer incorrectly), you can follow these steps:

### Step 1: Create Skills for Questions
1. **Open the Database** and go to the **Skills** tab.
2. **Create a new skill** for each question. For example:
- **Name**: Question 1
- **Description**: What is the capital of France? A) Berlin B) Madrid C) Paris D) Rome
- **Scope**: None (since the effect will be handled by the common event)
- **Damage Type**: None

### Step 2: Set Up Common Events
1. **Go to the Common Events** tab in the Database.
2. **Create a new common event** for each question. For example:
- **Name**: Check Answer - Question 1
- **Trigger**: None (it will be called by the skill)
- **Contents**:
◆Text: What is the capital of France?
◆Show Choices: A) Berlin, B) Madrid, C) Paris, D) Rome
◆When A) Berlin
◆Text: Incorrect!
◆Change HP: Party, -10
◆When B) Madrid
◆Text: Incorrect!
◆Change HP: Party, -10
◆When C) Paris
◆Text: Correct!
◆Change HP: Enemy, -100
◆When D) Rome
◆Text: Incorrect!
◆Change HP: Party, -10

### Step 3: Create a Common Event for Random Question Selection
1. **Create a new common event** called **Random Question**.
2. **Contents**:
◆Control Variables: #0001 Question = Random No. (1...3) // Adjust the range based on the number of questions
◆Conditional Branch: Variable [Question] == 1
◆Force Action: Enemy, Skill: Question 1, Random
◆Conditional Branch: Variable [Question] == 2
◆Force Action: Enemy, Skill: Question 2, Random
◆Conditional Branch: Variable [Question] == 3
◆Force Action: Enemy, Skill: Question 3, Random


### Step 4: Link Skills to Common Events
1. **Go back to the Skills** tab.
2. **Set the skill's effect** to call the corresponding common event. For example:
- **Effects**: Common Event: Check Answer - Question 1

### Step 5: Set Up Battle Events
1. **Go to the Troops** tab in the Database.
2. **Select the troop that includes the monster**.
3. **Set up a battle event** to trigger the random question selection. For example:
- **Condition**: Turn End
- **Span**: Turn
- **Contents**:
◆Common Event: Random Question

### Step 6: Test the Battle
1. **Create a new troop** and add an enemy.
2. **Assign the skills** (questions) to the enemy.
3. **Start a battle test** to see how the quiz battle works.

This setup will allow the monster to ask random questions each turn, and the player will either attack the monster if they answer correctly or lose HP if they answer incorrectly.

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