🐍 python regex util class



the supreme coder

# returns expression of type theRegex from the string str2Check
class RegexUtil:

    def regexChecker(self, theRegex: str, str2Check: str) -> str:
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def numberRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        theRegex = r"[-+]?[0-9]*[.,][0-9]*"
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def timeStampRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        theRegex = r"(([0-9]|[0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$)|(^([0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])$)"
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def intRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        theRegex = r"[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}"
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def pointRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> Point:
        # "[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]*)?" for double numbers
        theRegex: str = "[-+]?[0-9]{1,13}"
        result: Point = Point(0, 0)
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            result.y = int(regexMatcher.group(0).strip())
        str2Check = str2Check[str2Check.index(f'{result.y}') + 1:len(str2Check)]
        phase2 = str2Check
        phase2 = self.intRegex(phase2)
        if (phase2 == ""):
            return Point(result.y, 0)

        result.x = int(phase2)
        return Point(result.y, result.x)

    def regexChecker2(self, theRegex: str, str2Check: str) -> list[str]:
        # return a list of all matches

        mylist : list[str] = str2Check.split()
        r = re.compile(theRegex)
        l_final = list(filter(r.match, mylist))
        return l_final

    def contactRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        # return a list of all matches
        theRegex = r"(?<=contact)(.*)"
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def emailRegex(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        # return a list of all matches
        theRegex = '([A-Za-z0-9]+[.-_])*[A-Za-z0-9]+@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,})+'
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def duplicateRegex(self, input: str) -> str:
        # first split given string separated by space
        # into words
        words = input.split(' ')

        # now convert list of words into dictionary
        dict = Counter(words)

        # traverse list of words and check which first word
        # has frequency > 1
        for key in words:
            if dict[key] > 1:
                return key
        return ""

    def uniqueWord(self, str1: str) -> str:
        list1: list[str] = []  # of strings
        s = str1.split(" ")
        p = s[0]
        # i
        for i in range(1, len(s)):
            if (not (p == s[i])):
            p = s[i]
        return list1[0]

    def afterWord(self, word: str, str2Check: str) -> str:
        # return a list of all matches
        theRegex = r"(?<=" + word + r")(.*)"
        list1: list[str] = []
        regexMatcher = re.search(theRegex, str2Check)
        if (regexMatcher != None):
            return regexMatcher.group(0).strip()
        return ""

    def phoneRegex1(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        return self.regexChecker(r"[0]\d{2}\d{4}\d{3}$", str2Check)

    def firstWord(self, str2Check: str) -> str:
        arr: list[str] = str2Check.split(" ", 2)
        firstWord = arr[0]  # the
        return firstWord

    def stripAwayNumbers(self, str1: str) -> str:
        return re.sub(r'\d+', '', str1)