hello world :
print("hello world")
^ online compiler
^ offline debugger
print("hello\n world") //new line print
settings, code intelligence //enable/disable code corrections
print("hello " + input("what is your name ")) //input prompt
or select the line and cmd + / (mac) ctrl + / (windows)
string length : len("str")
keyboard shortcuts :
# this is a python comment
+/ or cmd / (mac) : toggle comment
run code : ctrl + entr
print("hello world")
^ online compiler
Thonny, Python IDE for beginners
print("hello\n world") //new line print
settings, code intelligence //enable/disable code corrections
print("hello " + input("what is your name ")) //input prompt
or select the line and cmd + / (mac) ctrl + / (windows)
string length : len("str")
keyboard shortcuts :
# this is a python comment
+/ or cmd / (mac) : toggle comment
run code : ctrl + entr