Public Class DiBicameral
Inherits DiSkillV2
' DiBicameral bicameral = New DiBicameral()
' bicameral.msgCol.addMSGV2("02:57", "test run ok")
' Add # for messages that engage other skills
Public msgCol As New TimedMessages()
Public Overrides Sub input(ByVal ear As String, ByVal skin As String, ByVal eye As String)
If Not kokoro.toHeart.GetOrDefault("dibicameral", "null").Equals("null") Then
kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral") = "null"
End If
If msgCol.getMsg() Then
Dim temp As String = msgCol.getLastMSG()
If Not temp.Contains("#") Then
kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral") = temp.Replace("#", "")
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class DiBicameral
Inherits DiSkillV2
' DiBicameral bicameral = New DiBicameral()
' bicameral.msgCol.addMSGV2("02:57", "test run ok")
' Add # for messages that engage other skills
Public msgCol As New TimedMessages()
Public Overrides Sub input(ByVal ear As String, ByVal skin As String, ByVal eye As String)
If Not kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral").Equals("null") Then
kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral") = "null"
End If
If msgCol.GetMsg() Then
Dim temp As String = msgCol.GetLastMSG()
If Not temp.Contains("#") Then
kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral") = temp.Replace("#", "")
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetKokoro(kokoro As Kokoro)
kokoro.toHeart("dibicameral") = "null"
End Sub
End Class
class AXSkillBundle {
private var skills: [DiSkillV2] = []
private let tempN = Neuron()
private var kokoro = Kokoro(absDictionaryDB: AbsDictionaryDB())
func setKokoro(_ kokoro: Kokoro) {
self.kokoro = kokoro
for skill in skills {
skill.setKokoro(kokoro: self.kokoro)
init(skillsParams: DiSkillV2...) {
for skill in skillsParams {
skill.setKokoro(kokoro: self.kokoro)
func addSkill(_ skill: DiSkillV2) -> AXSkillBundle {
// builder pattern
skill.setKokoro(kokoro: self.kokoro)
return self
func dispenseAlgorithm(ear: String, skin: String, eye: String) -> AlgorithmV2? {
for skill in skills {
skill.input(ear: ear, skin: skin, eye: eye)
skill.output(noiron: tempN)
for j in 1..<6 {
if let temp = tempN.getAlg(defcon: j) {
return AlgorithmV2(priority: j, alg: temp)
return nil
func getSize() -> Int {
return skills.count
class DiSkillBundle: DiSkillV2 {
private let axSkillBundle = AXSkillBundle()
override func input(ear: String, skin: String, eye: String) {
if let a1 = axSkillBundle.dispenseAlgorithm(ear: ear, skin: skin, eye: eye) {
self.outAlg = a1.getAlg()
self.outpAlgPriority = a1.getPriority()
override func setKokoro(kokoro: Kokoro) {
super.setKokoro(kokoro: kokoro)
func addSkill(_ skill: DiSkillV2) {
Public Class AlgorithmV2
Private priority As Integer = 4
Private alg As Algorithm = Nothing
Public Sub New(ByVal priority As Integer, ByVal alg As Algorithm)
Me.priority = priority
Me.alg = alg
End Sub
Public Function GetPriority() As Integer
Return priority
End Function
Public Sub SetPriority(ByVal priority As Integer)
Me.priority = priority
End Sub
Public Function GetAlg() As Algorithm
Return alg
End Function
Public Sub SetAlg(ByVal alg As Algorithm)
Me.alg = alg
End Sub
End Class
Public Class AXSkillBundle
Private skills As New List(Of DiSkillV2)()
Private tempN As New Neuron()
Private kokoro As New Kokoro(New AbsDictionaryDB())
Public Sub SetKokoro(ByVal kokoro As Kokoro)
Me.kokoro = kokoro
For Each skill As DiSkillV2 In skills
End Sub
Public Sub New(ParamArray skillsParams As DiSkillV2())
For Each skill As DiSkillV2 In skillsParams
End Sub
Public Function AddSkill(ByVal skill As DiSkillV2) As AXSkillBundle
' Builder pattern
Return Me
End Function
Public Function DispenseAlgorithm(ByVal ear As String, ByVal skin As String, ByVal eye As String) As AlgorithmV2
For Each skill As DiSkillV2 In skills
skill.Input(ear, skin, eye)
For j As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim temp As Algorithm = tempN.GetAlg(j)
If temp IsNot Nothing Then
Return New AlgorithmV2(j, temp)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetSize() As Integer
Return skills.Count
End Function
End Class
Public Class DiSkillBundle
Inherits DiSkillV2
Private ReadOnly axSkillBundle As New AXSkillBundle()
Public Overrides Sub Input(ByVal ear As String, ByVal skin As String, ByVal eye As String)
Dim a1 As AlgorithmV2 = axSkillBundle.DispenseAlgorithm(ear, skin, eye)
If a1 Is Nothing Then
End If
Me.outAlg = a1.GetAlg()
Me.outpAlgPriority = a1.GetPriority()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetKokoro(ByVal kokoro As Kokoro)
End Sub
Public Sub AddSkill(ByVal skill As DiSkillV2)
End Sub
End Class
class SkillHubAlgDispenser {
// Super class to output an algorithm out of a selection of skills
// Engage the hub with dispenseAlg and return the value to outAlg attribute
// of the containing skill (which houses the skill hub)
// This module enables using a selection of 1 skill for triggers instead of having the triggers engage on multiple skills
// The method is ideal for learnability and behavioral modifications
// Use a learnability auxiliary module as a condition to run an active skill shuffle or change method
// (rndAlg, cycleAlg)
// Moods can be used for specific cases to change behavior of the AGI, for example low energy state
// For that use (moodAlg)
private var skills: [DiSkillV2] = []
private var activeSkill: Int = 0
private let tempN = Neuron()
private let rand = Int.random(in: 0..<Int.max)
private var kokoro = Kokoro(AbsDictionaryDB())
init(skillsParams: DiSkillV2...) {
for skill in skillsParams {
func setKokoro(_ kokoro: Kokoro) {
self.kokoro = kokoro
for skill in skills {
func addSkill(_ skill: DiSkillV2) -> SkillHubAlgDispenser {
// Builder pattern
return self
func dispenseAlgorithm(ear: String, skin: String, eye: String) -> AlgorithmV2? {
// Return value to outAlg param of (external) summoner DiSkillV2
skills[activeSkill].input(ear: ear, skin: skin, eye: eye)
for i in 1..<6 {
if let temp = tempN.getAlg(i) {
return AlgorithmV2(i, temp)
return nil
func randomizeActiveSkill() {
activeSkill = Int.random(in: 0..<skills.count)
func setActiveSkillWithMood(_ mood: Int) {
// Mood integer represents active skill
// Different mood = different behavior
if mood > -1 && mood < skills.count {
activeSkill = mood
func cycleActiveSkill() {
// Changes active skill
// I recommend this method be triggered with a Learnability or SpiderSense object
activeSkill += 1
if activeSkill == skills.count {
activeSkill = 0
func getSize() -> Int {
return skills.count
class SkillBranch: DiSkillV2 {
// unique skill used to bind similar skills
* contains collection of skills
* mutates active skill if detects conjuration
* mutates active skill if algorithm results in
* negative feedback
* positive feedback negates active skill mutation
* */
private var skillRef: [String: Int] = [:]
private var skillHub = SkillHubAlgDispenser()
private var ml: AXLearnability
init(tolerance: Int) {
ml = AXLearnability(tolerance: tolerance)
override func input(ear: String, skin: String, eye: String) {
// conjuration alg morph
if let skillIndex = skillRef[ear] {
// machine learning alg morph
if ml.mutateAlg(ear: ear) {
// alg engage
if let a1 = skillHub.dispenseAlgorithm(ear: ear, skin: skin, eye: eye) {
self.outAlg = a1.getAlg()
self.outpAlgPriority = a1.getPriority()
func addSkill(skill: DiSkillV2) {
skillHub.addSkill(skill: skill)
func addReferencedSkill(skill: DiSkillV2, conjuration: String) {
// the conjuration string will engage its respective skill
skillHub.addSkill(skill: skill)
skillRef[conjuration] = skillHub.getSize()
// learnability params
func addDefcon(defcon: String) {
func addGoal(goal: String) {
// while alg is pending, cause alg mutation ignoring learnability tolerance:
func addDefconLV5(defcon5: String) {
override func setKokoro(kokoro: Kokoro) {
super.setKokoro(kokoro: kokoro)
skillHub.setKokoro(kokoro: kokoro)
class SkillBranch: DiSkillV2 {
// unique skill used to bind similar skills
* contains collection of skills
* mutates active skill if detects conjuration
* mutates active skill if algorithm results in
* negative feedback
* positive feedback negates active skill mutation
* */
private var skillRef: [String: Int] = [:]
private var skillHub = SkillHubAlgDispenser()
private var ml: AXLearnability
init(tolerance: Int) {
ml = AXLearnability()
ml.trg.maxCount = tolerance
override func input(ear: String, skin: String, eye: String) {
// conjuration alg morph
if let skillIndex = skillRef[ear] {
setSimpleAlg(sayThis: "hmm")
// machine learning alg morph
if ml.mutateAlg(input: ear) {
setSimpleAlg(sayThis: "hmm")
// alg engage
if let a1 = skillHub.dispenseAlgorithm(ear: ear, skin: skin, eye: eye) {
self.outAlg = a1.getAlg()
self.outpAlgPriority = a1.getPriority()
func addSkill(_ skill:DiSkillV2) {
func addReferencedSkill(skill: DiSkillV2, conjuration: String) {
// the conjuration string will engage its respective skill
skillRef[conjuration] = skillHub.getSize()
// learnability params
func addDefcon(_ defcon: String){ml.defcons.input(in1: defcon)}
func addGoal(_ goal: String){ml.defcons.input(in1: goal)}
// while alg is pending, cause alg mutation ignoring learnability tolerance:
func addDefconLV5(_ defcon5: String){ml.defcons.input(in1: defcon5)}
override func setKokoro(kokoro: Kokoro) {
super.setKokoro(kokoro: kokoro)
Some dude is screenshoting youteam fuki be codin'
team fuki be codin'
can't stop TeamFuki from coding!![]()
Public Class SkillHubAlgDispenser
' Super class to output an algorithm out of a selection of skills
' Engage the hub with dispenseAlg and return the value to outAlg attribute
' of the containing skill (which houses the skill hub)
' This module enables using a selection of 1 skill for triggers instead of having the triggers engage on multiple skills
' The method is ideal for learnability and behavioral modifications
' Use a learnability auxiliary module as a condition to run an active skill shuffle or change method
' (rndAlg, cycleAlg)
' Moods can be used for specific cases to change behavior of the AGI, for example low energy state
' For that use (moodAlg)
Private ReadOnly skills As New List(Of DiSkillV2)()
Private activeSkill As Integer = 0
Private ReadOnly tempN As New Neuron()
Private ReadOnly rand As New Random()
Private kokoro As New Kokoro(New AbsDictionaryDB())
Public Sub New(ParamArray skillsParams As DiSkillV2())
For Each skill As DiSkillV2 In skillsParams
End Sub
Public Sub setKokoro(kokoro As Kokoro)
Me.kokoro = kokoro
For Each skill As DiSkillV2 In skills
End Sub
Public Function addSkill(skill As DiSkillV2) As SkillHubAlgDispenser
' Builder pattern
Return Me
End Function
Public Function dispenseAlgorithm(ear As String, skin As String, eye As String) As AlgorithmV2
' Return value to outAlg param of (external) summoner DiskillV2
skills(activeSkill).input(ear, skin, eye)
For i As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim temp As Algorithm = tempN.getAlg(i)
If temp IsNot Nothing Then
Return New AlgorithmV2(i, temp)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Sub randomizeActiveSkill()
activeSkill = rand.Next(skills.Count)
End Sub
Public Sub setActiveSkillWithMood(mood As Integer)
' Mood integer represents active skill
' Different mood = different behavior
If mood > -1 AndAlso mood < skills.Count Then
activeSkill = mood
End If
End Sub
Public Sub cycleActiveSkill()
' Changes active skill
' I recommend this method be triggered with a Learnability or SpiderSense object
activeSkill += 1
If activeSkill = skills.Count Then
activeSkill = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Function getSize() As Integer
Return skills.Count
End Function
End Class
Public Class SkillBranch
Inherits DiSkillV2
' unique skill used to bind similar skills
' contains collection of skills
' mutates active skill if detects conjuration
' mutates active skill if algorithm results in
' negative feedback
' positive feedback negates active skill mutation
Private skillRef As New Hashtable()
Private skillHub As New SkillHubAlgDispenser()
Private ml As AXLearnability
Public Sub New(tolerance As Integer)
ml = New AXLearnability(tolerance)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub input(ear As String, skin As String, eye As String)
' conjuration alg morph
If skillRef.ContainsKey(ear) Then
End If
' machine learning alg morph
If ml.mutateAlg(ear) Then
End If
' alg engage
Dim a1 As AlgorithmV2 = skillHub.dispenseAlgorithm(ear, skin, eye)
If a1 Is Nothing Then Return
Me.outAlg = a1.getAlg()
Me.outpAlgPriority = a1.getPriority()
End Sub
Public Sub addSkill(skill As DiSkillV2)
End Sub
Public Sub addReferencedSkill(skill As DiSkillV2, conjuration As String)
' the conjuration string will engage its respective skill
skillRef(conjuration) = skillHub.getSize()
End Sub
' learnability params
Public Sub addDefcon(defcon As String)
End Sub
Public Sub addGoal(goal As String)
End Sub
' while alg is pending, cause alg mutation ignoring learnability tolerance:
Public Sub addDefconLV5(defcon5 As String)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub setKokoro(kokoro As Kokoro)
End Sub
End Class