Search results

  1. fukurou

    emo dev

    class DiBlabberV4(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, responder: Responder, memory_size: int = 15, reply_chance: int = 90, ): super().__init__() self.npc: AXNPC2 = AXNPC2(memory_size, reply_chance) self._temp_str: str = "" self.splitter: AXStringSplit =...
  2. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev descartes' protocol

    def setAnimationSkill(self, skill: DiSkillV2): self.brain.hardwareChobit.removeSkill(self.animation) self.animation = skill self.brain.hardwareChobit.addSkill(self.animation)
  3. fukurou

    how to make carrot juice with a blender

    (add water and strain)
  4. fukurou

    AX ports

    AlgDispenser UniqueItemsPriorityQue: LGFIFO UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue RefreshQ AnnoyedQue AXCmdBreaker AXFunnel AXGamification AXKeyValuePair TrGEV3 TrgTolerance AXLearnability AXLHousing LGTypeConverter DrawRnd DrawRndDigits Responder AXNeuroSama PercentDripper AXNPC AXNPC2 AXPassword...
  5. fukurou

    jizzy dic jism

    Dim myDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, String) myDictionary.Add("apple", "fruit") myDictionary.Add("car", "vehicle") myDictionary.Add("sun", "celestial body") Dim keyToSearch As String = "car" Dim value As String = myDictionary(keyToSearch) ' Now 'value' contains "vehicle"...
  6. fukurou

    Arduino beefup

    #include "DiHelloWorld.h" #include "LivinGrimoireLight.h" void setup() { Led led1(13); // used to initialize the Hello World skill Skill* s2 = new DiHelloWorld(led1); // example skill created Chobit* c1 = new Chobit(); c1->addSkill(s2); c1->think(0, 0, 0); c1->think(0, 0...
  7. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev experimental convince module

    public class AXConvince { private AXContextCmd req; private Responder reset = new Responder( "reset"); private int min = 3; // minimum requests till agreement private int max = 6; private DrawRnd rnd = new DrawRnd(); private int counter = 0; private Boolean mode =...
  8. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev awareness skill

  9. fukurou

    so I was buying some produce...

    it was after my morning run, and I had a sudden urgent urge to shit! but I lost the urge by the time I got home. but then a couple hours later I shat. so yeah good day, lost weight.
  10. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev mem game

    class DiMemoryGame: def __init__(self): self.score = 0 self.game_on = False self.game_str = "" self.game_chars = ["r", "g", "b", "y"] def input(self, ear): if ear == "memory game on": self.game_on = True self.score = 0...
  11. fukurou

    runny shits and codings!

    this new code gon be like surgery. Ima add a madafuckin kv learn function to the railbot!
  12. fukurou

    new skill rollout ! shit in the ass man!

    public class DiHoneyBunny extends DiSkillV2 { private RegexUtil regexUtil = new RegexUtil(); public OnOffSwitch onOffSwitch = new OnOffSwitch(); private String user = "user"; public PercentDripper drip = new PercentDripper(); private Responder responses = new...
  13. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev DiBlueCrystal

    1st draft: dicN{} keysN quiz:drawRnd get word gem: quiz<-wordgem ret rnd(wordGem) quiz me: solution = t[q] ret drawRnd cmdBreaker if ear = solution score++; ret (correct) else score = 0;ret(bubu) what is my score ret score *clear score *category quiz meaning, *translate
  14. fukurou

    turn your coding skills into cash discover the livingrimoire agi goldmine

    Hello there, all you talented coders! This is your ol’ pal Mr. Solver, and I’ve got a fantastic opportunity for you. You know, the kind that could turn your coding skills into cold, hard cash! Have you heard of the Livingrimoire AGI software design pattern? Well, if you haven’t, buckle up...
  15. fukurou

    swift port 040224

  16. fukurou

    rail dev

    public class DIRailTest extends DiSkillV2 { private RailChatBot rcb = new RailChatBot(); private AXCmdBreaker monolog = new AXCmdBreaker("r1"); private AXCmdBreaker dialog = new AXCmdBreaker("r2"); @Override public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {...
  17. fukurou

    well I should be working

    learning, developing and shit but nothing seems to ever change and no one gives a fuck so I'll invest more time into exercise. fuck society.
  18. fukurou

    eliza dev

    import re import random class Eliza: reflections = { "am": "are" } class PhraseMatcher: def __init__(self, matcher, responses): self.matcher = re.compile(matcher) self.responses = responses def matches(self, str): return...
  19. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev cheat sheet

    *** varargs *********** *variables* *********** Dim age As Integer = 0 Dim isComplete as Boolean = False Dim str1 As String= "morning" Const num As Integer = 2 ********* *strings* ********* Dim name As String = "John" Dim age As Integer = 30 Dim result As String = String.Format("Hello, {0}. You...
  20. fukurou

    speedrun disayer

    a skill to say something I gotta take a piss having jizzed, but I'll code it 1st