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  1. owly

    👨‍💻 dev default notes

    class DiNoteTaker(Skill): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.notes: Notes = Notes() # Override def input(self, ear: str, skin: str, eye: str): if len(ear) == 0: return match ear: case "get note"...
  2. owly

    👨‍💻 dev catalogging

    so this is the code snippet. we will also need to list the skills in the catalog. and cross ref the catalog with the equipped skills. and jack off... def skillNotes(self, param: str) -> str: if param == "notes": return "magic 8 ball" elif param == "triggers"...
  3. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    ArrayList<PhraseMatcher> babbleTmp = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<AXKeyValuePair> kvs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( new AXKeyValuePair("what is {0}", "{0} is {1}"), new AXKeyValuePair("explain {0}", "{0} is {1}") )); babbleTmp.add(new PhraseMatcher("(.*) is (.*)", kvs));
  4. owly

    Внимание спамерам Attention Spammers

    Внимание спамерам: Этот форум предназначен для программистов и разработчиков, увлеченных программированием и технологиями. Мы не терпим никаких незаконных действий, услуг знакомств, откровенного контента, распространения наркотиков или даже рекламы сигарет. Наша команда модераторов бдительна и...
  5. owly

    👨‍💻 dev LGCore upgrade for AI hormones

    attribs: self._isThinking: bool = False self._awareSkills: list[Skill] = [] # self awareness skills. Chobit Object in their c'tor addSkill, : if self._isThinking: return self addSkills, removeSkills, *clearSkills if self._isThinking...
  6. owly

    👨‍💻 dev on today's jizzfest

    if __name__ == '__main__': rcb: RailChatBot = RailChatBot() # Learning phase for item in ["one", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]: rcb.learn(item) temp: UniqueItemsPriorityQue = UniqueItemsPriorityQue() # Respond and insert initial monolog n = rcb.respondMonolog("one")...
  7. owly

    👨‍💻 dev creamers of the corn

    we have reached a point where we have many skills. not great not terrible. thing is, now we need a catalog, to serve as a quick reference as well as a roadmap of shit to come ********** *defconic* ********** motivational philosophy spider sense hunger home returner ****************...
  8. owly

    project 2501

    import ast def list_classes_in_file(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as file: tree = ast.parse(, filename=file_path) class_names = [ for node in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef)] return class_names # Example usage if __name__ ==...
  9. owly

    regexes n jizz

    ([0-9].){4}[0-9]* @the living tribunal
  10. owly

    👨‍💻 dev C++ port

    47.06 1. AbsDictionaryDB + 2. Mutatable + 3. APSay:Mutatable + 4. APVerbatim:Mutatable + 5. GrimoireMemento + 6. Algorithm + 7. Kokoro + 8. Neuron + 9. DiSkillUtils 10. DiSkillV2 11. DiHelloWorld:DiSkillV2 // logical skill for testing 12. Cerabellum 13. Fusion 14. Thinkable 15. Chobits:Thinkable...
  11. owly

    👨‍💻 dev shorni splash

    import requests import threading from LivinGrimoire23 import DiSkillV2 class ShorniSplash(DiSkillV2): pass
  12. owly

    porting the draw upgrade

    def renewableDraw(self) -> str: if len(self.strings.queue) == 0: self.reset() temp: str = self.strings.getRNDElement() self.strings.removeItem(temp) return temp
  13. owly

    optimizing the shit

    hato: str = self.getKokoro().toHeart["dibicameral"] if hato == "yandere": @fukurou I would say this^ shit is too complex for the average NPC. another problem is we have several scenarios to consider: multicases (switch str) default cases(any boolean shit)
  14. owly

    👨‍💻 dev porting Auxiliary modules Java->kotlin

    100 1. AlgDispenser + 2. UniqueItemsPriorityQue: LGFIFO + 3. UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue + 4. RefreshQ + 5. AnnoyedQue + 6. AXCmdBreaker + 7. AXFunnel + 8. AXGamification + 9. AXKeyValuePair + 10. TrGEV3 + 11. TrgTolerance + 12. AXLearnability + 13. AXLHousing + 14. LGTypeConverter + 15...
  15. owly

    👨‍💻 dev Java->Kotlin port

    100 1. AbsDictionaryDB + 2. Mutatable + 3. APSay:Mutatable + 4. DeepCopier + 5. APVerbatim:Mutatable + 6. GrimoireMemento + 7. Algorithm + 8. CldBool + 9. APCldVerbatim:APVerbatim + 10. Kokoro + 11. Neuron + 12. DiSkillUtils + 13. DiSkillV2 + 14. DiHelloWorld:DiSkillV2 + 15. Cerabellum + 16...
  16. owly

    we be makin history n shit!

    cooking a drug for AI known as accelo! self.tick_interval: int = 3000
  17. owly

    👨‍💻 dev AXskillBundle

    public class SkillHubAlgDispenser { private ArrayList<DiSkillV2> skills = new ArrayList<DiSkillV2>(); private int activeSkill = 0; private Neuron tempN = new Neuron();; private Random rand = new Random(); public SkillHubAlgDispenser(DiSkillV2...skillsParams) { for...
  18. owly

    we're up against ishtar now

    the making of a yandere powered by the bicameral mind!
  19. owly

    👨‍💻 dev the bicameral mind

    public class DiBicameral extends DiSkillV2 { public TimedMessages msgCol = new TimedMessages(); @Override public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) { msgCol.tick(); if(!(kokoro.toHeart.getOrDefault("dibicameral","null").equals("null"))){...
  20. owly

    fap hero dev

    Gate is closed. loop running 0 loop running 1 loop running 2 loop running 3 loop running 4 Gate is closed. loop running 5 loop running 6 loop running 7 loop running 8 loop running 9 Gate is closed. loop running 10 loop running 11 loop running 12 loop running 13 loop running 14 Gate is closed...