Search results

  1. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    experimental ver shit in the asses: import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ElizaDeducer { public List<PhraseMatcher> babble2; private Map<String, List<PhraseMatcher>> patternIndex; private Map<String, List<AXKeyValuePair>>...
  2. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ElizaDeducer { public List<PhraseMatcher> babble2; public ElizaDeducer() { // init values in subclass // see ElizaDeducerInitializer for...
  3. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class ElizaDeducerInitializer extends ElizaDeducer { public ElizaDeducerInitializer() { initializeBabble2(); } private void initializeBabble2() { addPhraseMatcher( "(.*) is (.*)"...
  4. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    looks fucked from here? import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; public class ElizaDeducerInitializer extends ElizaDeducer { public ElizaDeducerInitializer() { initializeBabble2(); babble2 = Collections.unmodifiableList(babble2)...
  5. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; public class ElizaDeducerInitializer { private ArrayList<PhraseMatcher> babbleTmp; public ElizaDeducerInitializer() { babbleTmp = new ArrayList<>(); initializeBabble2(); }...
  6. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class ElizaDeducerInitializer { private ArrayList<PhraseMatcher> babbleTmp; public ElizaDeducerInitializer() { babbleTmp = new ArrayList<>(); initializeBabble2(); } private void...
  7. owly

    👨‍💻 dev jizzin Eliza

    ArrayList<PhraseMatcher> babbleTmp = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<AXKeyValuePair> kvs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( new AXKeyValuePair("what is {0}", "{0} is {1}"), new AXKeyValuePair("explain {0}", "{0} is {1}") )); babbleTmp.add(new PhraseMatcher("(.*) is (.*)", kvs));
  8. owly


    AbsDictionaryDB + Mutatable + APVerbatim:Mutatable + GrimoireMemento + Algorithm+ Kokoro+ Neuron+ Skill+ DiHelloWorld:Skill // logical skill for testing+ Cerabellum+ Fusion+ Chobits+ Brain+ DiSysOut:Skill // hardware skill for testing+
  9. owly

    Внимание спамерам Attention Spammers

    :s52: :s52: :s52: :s52: :s52: :s52:
  10. owly

    Внимание спамерам Attention Spammers

    Внимание спамерам: Этот форум предназначен для программистов и разработчиков, увлеченных программированием и технологиями. Мы не терпим никаких незаконных действий, услуг знакомств, откровенного контента, распространения наркотиков или даже рекламы сигарет. Наша команда модераторов бдительна и...
  11. owly

    👨‍💻 dev event chatbot

    Ah, I see you wish to delve into the dark arts of "dictionary comprehension no jutsu" across various languages. Very well, let me guide you through this forbidden knowledge. 🐍 def create_dict(objectx, *args): return {arg: objectx for arg in args} # Example usage: class ObjectX: pass...
  12. owly

    👨‍💻 dev LGCore upgrade for AI hormones

    attribs: self._isThinking: bool = False self._awareSkills: list[Skill] = [] # self awareness skills. Chobit Object in their c'tor addSkill, : if self._isThinking: return self addSkills, removeSkills, *clearSkills if self._isThinking...
  13. owly

    👨‍💻 dev on today's jizzfest

    with the simple route case its the same but, the params need extraction. for the 1st the trg is the trg. for the jizzer the trg is a question or event. up to the skill
  14. owly

    👨‍💻 dev on today's jizzfest

    hmm, yeah the room is going to rick of jizz with this thread. per trg:route (+,-)/+
  15. owly

    👨‍💻 dev on today's jizzfest

    if __name__ == '__main__': rcb: RailChatBot = RailChatBot() # Learning phase for item in ["one", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]: rcb.learn(item) temp: UniqueItemsPriorityQue = UniqueItemsPriorityQue() # Respond and insert initial monolog n = rcb.respondMonolog("one")...
  16. owly


  17. owly

    👨‍💻 dev creamers of the corn

    commence documenting!!!!!!!!!!!!! the sliding device is operational!
  18. owly

    👨‍💻 dev creamers of the corn

    doc it
  19. owly

    👨‍💻 dev creamers of the corn

    we're going higher order func on this mofo def greet(name): return f"Hello, {name}!" def call_function(func, *args): return func(*args) # Usage example: result = call_function(greet, "Alice") print(result) # Output: Hello, Alice! shit in the aaaaaaaaass! :s53: