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  1. owly

    🐍 python python time

    it's a COMMAND CENTER! code the fucking thing you fuck! slime fuck thinks I B playing up this bitch.
  2. owly

    🐍 python python time

    I've been seeing too many lurkers in my command center lately. it's annoying. yes you, mister lurker. join the party or buzz off. :s52: public class Cycler { // cycles through numbers limit to 0 non-stop private int cycler = 0; private int limit; public Cycler(int limit) {...
  3. owly

    🐍 python python time

    fix the typo. because of you I'm rocking 5 generators! just so I can stay online!!! :s79:
  4. owly

    🐍 python python time

    time to translate the new auxiliary classes for the python version 100 +AXGamification +TODOListManager +DrawRnd +AXLHub +AXLHousing +AXNeuroSama +AXLNeuroSama +AXLearnability +TrgTolerance +Cycler +Perchance +AXKeyValuePair +InputFilter // context juubi +strategy +AXStrategy +LGTypeConverter...
  5. owly

    👨‍💻 dev gamification module

    some would say: "hey this is a very basic class" yeah well it's how and where you use it. besides things were always meant to be simple. otherwise you are wasting your time. @fukurou translate it to swift, I'll handle the rest we have some big coding projects coming up. the LG has a path in...
  6. owly


  7. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    team fuki, the world's best coding team. beyond omega level!
  8. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class PersistantQuestion { private Boolean isActive = false; private String mode = "yes"; // key mode private Hashtable<String, DrawRnd>dic = new Hashtable<>(); private OutputDripper outputDripper = new OutputDripper(1); private String loggedAnswer = ""; // only used...
  9. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class TODOListManager { private UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue q1 = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); private UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue backup = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); private DrawRnd d1 = new DrawRnd(); public TODOListManager(int...
  10. owly

    ultimate todo list class dev!

    we will need to combine our finest zords for this one! @fukurou
  11. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    cool, I wanna slim the remaining 2 classes ngl tbh tbf tbph tbqh ngl ngl gonna as well. aha aha yes I am. cause I am based, yes indeed.
  12. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    rub a lub a dub dub!
  13. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class PerChance {/* * extend me and add sentences and lists for parameters in the sentences in the * sub classes c'tor. replicate speech paterns, generate movie scripts or books and enjoy */ protected ArrayList<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>(); protected...
  14. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class AXStrategy { /* this auxiliary module is used to output strategies based on context can be used for battles, and games upon pain/lose use the evolve methode to update to different new active strategies check for battle state end externaly (opponent...
  15. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class Strategy { private UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue activeStrategy; // active strategic options private DrawRnd allStrategies; // bank of all strategies. out of this pool active strategies are pulled public Strategy(DrawRnd allStrategies) { // create the...
  16. owly

    new auxiliary module translation code party TEAM FUKI ASSEMBLE!

    public class InputFilter { // filter out non-relevant input // or filter in relevant data public String filter(String ear, String skin, String eye){ // override me return ""; } public AXKeyValuePair filter(String ear){ // override me : key =...