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  1. owly

    LG light cls list

    librarification: LG: skill,listOfSkills,Chobit DiHelloWorld: led,DiHelloWorld
  2. owly

    LG light cls list

  3. owly

    LG light cls list

    #define LED_PIN 13 // import the C++ file with the example Led class: class Led{ private: byte pin; public: Led(){this->pin = 13;} Led(byte pin){ this->pin = pin; } void init(){ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } void on(){ digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } void off(){ digitalWrite(pin, LOW); } }...
  4. owly

    LG light cls list

    #define LED_PIN 13 // import the C++ file with the example Led class: class Led{ private: byte pin; public: Led(){this->pin = 13;} Led(byte pin){ this->pin = pin; } void init(){ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } void on(){ digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } void off(){ digitalWrite(pin, LOW); } }...
  5. owly

    LG light cls list

    #ifndef Skill_H #define Skill_H // using Arduino hardware codes outside main: #include <Arduino.h> class Skill{ private: public: Skill(){} void inOut(byte ear, byte skin, byte eye) { } }; #endif
  6. owly

    LG light cls list

    list : class List { public: byte length; byte data[16]; void append(byte item) { if (length < 16) data[length++] = item; } void remove(byte index) { if (index >= length) return; memmove(&data[index], &data[index+1], length - index - 1); length--; } }; List l { .length = 3, .data...
  7. owly

    LG light cls list

    class code skeleton: #ifndef Skill_H #define Skill_H class Skill{ private: public: }; #endif class Chobit { private: public: }; team fuki going old school. reminds me of my Pascal days
  8. owly

    this site is protected by retard block

    if you are a retard, guess what? you can't register. :s74:
  9. owly

    LG light cls list

    on the up side it's more Arduino oriented for PID like projects. on the other there will be no separation between the logic and the hardware, so it would rely on machine code. cool. :s69:
  10. owly

    LG light cls list

    1.Mutatable 2. Algorithm 3. DiSkillV2 4. DiHelloWorld:DiSkillV2 5. Chobits
  11. owly


  12. owly

    improved LG alg

    the CPP quest begins!
  13. owly

    improved LG alg

    reduced to just under 1k lines of code I AM OWLY!
  14. owly

    improved LG alg

  15. owly

    improved LG alg

    NeuronX arr of alg sizeLimitedQues insert(priority,alg) neuron[priority].insert(alg) Chobit skills in() out() Fusion.loadAlgs() return Fusion.runAlgs() Fusion loadAlgs() ceraArr for 0 to n if !cera[i].isActive temp:Alg = Neuron[i].poll() if !temp == None cera[i].load(temp)...
  16. owly

    👨‍💻 dev get ready for a crazy assed coding party

    shit in the ass baby!
  17. owly

    👨‍💻 dev get ready for a crazy assed coding party

    the party will take place in my pants, me and my big cock will be there DrawRnd (update) DrawRndDigits(new) DeepCopier(update) DiBurper DiArduino1 DiPetv3 DiSneezer DiPetv2(deprecate) @fukurou
  18. owly

    👨‍💻 dev DiBurper

    responder1("burp1","burp2","hkn","skn") responder2("hkn","skn") burpsPerHour:int if trgMinute(0): q.clear() for n{q.add(minutes.drawRnd());return} if q.contains(now.minute): q.remove(now.minute) burp() // responder1 return() hkn skill: if responder.contains(ear)...
  19. owly

    👨‍💻 dev DiMisser

    team owly rulz!