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  1. owly

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    Sh_Brain b1 = new Sh_Brain(); b1.setShell(new TheShell(b1)); // adding all skills: b1.addLogicSkill("hello world", new DiHelloWorld()); b1.addHardwareSkill("output",new DiSysOut()); // this skill prints output // ^ shell filled with skills...
  2. owly

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    public class Sh_Brain extends Brain { private TheShell shell = new TheShell(this); private String temp = ""; public void addLogicSkill(String skillName, DiSkillV2 skill){ shell.addLogicSkill(skillName, skill); } public void addHardwareSkill(String skillName, DiSkillV2...
  3. owly

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    public class TheShell extends DiSkillV2 { public Chobits shellChobit = new Chobits(); private Chobits logicChobit; private Chobits hardwareChobit; private Hashtable<String,DiSkillV2> logicSkills = new Hashtable<>(); // all logic skills private Hashtable<String,DiSkillV2>...
  4. owly

    👨‍💻 dev command shell LG

    here are the next steps: move TheShell and Sh_Brain to skills add a shell setter in shbrain
  5. owly

    👨‍💻 dev command shell LG

    yeah, so um... like a skill that um... is with the link to the shallow ref and like jizz and while the code is running. bitch shit tits asses @fukurou
  6. owly

    python propagation 121023

    100 +DISkillUtils +DiSkillV2 +DiHelloWorld +ToDoListManager + contains DiHabit @fukurou
  7. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

  8. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

    :s73:... summoning kraken!
  9. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

  10. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

  11. owly

    LG propagation 10102023

    AXStrOrDefault DISkillUtils DiSkillV2 DiHelloWorld ToDoListManager DiHabit
  12. owly

    habit skill

    we'll be untangling this cluster fuck next: public class DISkillUtils { // alg part based algorithm building methodes public Algorithm onePartAlgorithm(Mutatable algPart) { // returns a simple algorithm containing 1 alg part ArrayList<Mutatable> algParts1 = new...
  13. owly

    habit skill

    add expirations // Q and todos // ToDo manager dual getter
  14. owly

    habit skill

  15. owly

    habit skill

    package skills; import AXJava.AXCmdBreaker; import AXJava.UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue; import LivinGrimoire.DISkillUtils; import LivinGrimoire.DiSkillV2; public class DiHabit extends DiSkillV2 { private UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue habitsPositive = new...
  16. owly

    habit skill

  17. owly

    habit skill

    I want separation between the regular ToDos and the expirations. shit in the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass :s59:
  18. owly

    habit skill

  19. owly

    habit skill

    well, that is probably our next one, dear fuk. now we be makin fresh essential skills, this would be the 5th IG. one of the annoying things will be the punishment algorithm for bad habits and missed tasks. if I weren't so cheap I'd hire ppl to do this low level code monkey shit, but they...
  20. owly

    LG light cls list
