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  1. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    class TheShell(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, b1: ShBrain): super().__init__() self.shellChobit: Chobits = Chobits() self.logicChobit: Chobits = b1.logicChobit self.hardwareChobit: Chobits = b1.hardwareChobit self.shellChobit.addSkill(self)...
  2. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    jizzed, lets continue!
  3. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    class TheShell(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, b1: ShBrain): super().__init__() self.shellChobit: Chobits = Chobits() self.logicChobit: Chobits = b1.logicChobit self.hardwareChobit: Chobits = b1.hardwareChobit self.shellChobit.addSkill(self)...
  4. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    class TheShell(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, b1: ShBrain): super().__init__() self.shellChobit: Chobits = Chobits() self.logicChobit: Chobits = b1.logicChobit self.hardwareChobit: Chobits = b1.hardwareChobit self.shellChobit.addSkill(self)...
  5. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    class TheShell(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, b1: ShBrain): super().__init__() self.shellChobit: Chobits = Chobits() self.logicChobit: Chobits = b1.logicChobit self.hardwareChobit: Chobits = b1.hardwareChobit self.shellChobit.addSkill(self)...
  6. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    class TheShell(DiSkillV2): def __init__(self, b1: ShBrain): super().__init__() self.shellChobit: Chobits = Chobits() self._logicChobit: Chobits = b1.logicChobit self._hardwareChobit: Chobits = b1.hardwareChobit self.shellChobit.addSkill(self) class...
  7. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    well, that was a wild goose chase :s14:
  8. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    public class Chosh extends Chobits{ // Chobit shell: can install/uninstall skills using skills private int loopTracker = 0; @Override public String think(String ear, String skin, String eye) { loopTracker = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < dClasses.size()...
  9. fukurou

    jizzed twice and feelin sleepy, but code needs porting so

    ArrayList<String> tl = new ArrayList<>(); tl.add("zero");tl.add("one");tl.add("two");tl.add("three");tl.add("four");tl.add("five"); int c = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < tl.size(); i++) { if (c == 3){ tl.remove(c)...
  10. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  11. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  12. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  13. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  14. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  15. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  16. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  17. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  18. fukurou

    luxury interior designs

  19. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev command shell LG

    package skills; import LivinGrimoire.Brain; import LivinGrimoire.DiSkillV2; public class Sh_Brain extends Brain { private TheShell shell = new TheShell(this); private String temp = ""; public void addLogicSkill(String skillName, DiSkillV2 skill){...
  20. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev command shell LG

    package skills; import AXJava.AXCmdBreaker; import LivinGrimoire.Chobits; import LivinGrimoire.DiSkillV2; import java.util.Hashtable; public class TheShell extends DiSkillV2 { public Chobits shellChobit = new Chobits(); private Chobits logicChobit; private Chobits hardwareChobit...