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  1. fukurou


    public class AXNPC { public RefreshQ responder = new RefreshQ(); public PercentDripper dripper = new PercentDripper(); public AXCmdBreaker cmdBreaker = new AXCmdBreaker("say"); public AXNPC(int replyStockLim, int outputChance) { responder.setLimit(replyStockLim)...
  2. fukurou


    public class AXContextCmd { // engage on commands // when commands are engaged, context commans can also engage public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue commands = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue contextCommands = new...
  3. fukurou


    public class AXContextCmd { // engage on commands // when commands are engaged, context commans can also engage public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue commands = new UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue(); public UniqueItemSizeLimitedPriorityQueue contextCommands = new...
  4. fukurou


  5. fukurou

    humanoid design

  6. fukurou

    scrapping the new port project

    @owly its a waste of time. 101 classes, + lots of missing codes, +cost I don't see any additional gain none whatsoever.
  7. fukurou

    regex col

    @the living tribunal
  8. fukurou

    regex col

    email : [A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6} timeStamp : [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} simpleTimeStamp : [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} secondlessTimeStamp : [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} fullDate : [0-9]{1,4}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} date ...
  9. fukurou

    to fap or not to fap that is the question

    actually it's: to fap now or later
  10. fukurou

    chatbot discussion

    class ChatBot { /* let chatbot:ChatBot = ChatBot(logParamLim: 5) chatbot.addParam("name", "jinpachi") chatbot.addParam("name", "sakura") chatbot.addParam("verb", "eat") chatbot.addParam("verb", "code") chatbot.addSentence("i can verb #")...
  11. fukurou

    chatbot discussion

    // same as the addParam but only the latest parameter is saved // used for topics, names, cases where 1 latest parameter is needed public void addSubject(String category, String value){ if(!(wordToList.containsKey(category))){ RefreshQ temp = new RefreshQ()...
  12. fukurou

    chatbot discussion

    it's pretty much JSON object but it's high eff low gain so the filter idea is better.
  13. fukurou

    chatbot discussion

    well mister niggaaaa thinking bout this 4 dimensionally... when the chatbot switches topic then what? we need a midway data container. with a list of topicable keys, and the default "" key
  14. fukurou


  15. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev java->swiftAXPrompt

    class AXPrompt { var isActive: Bool = false var index: Int = 0 var prompts: Array<Prompt> = [Prompt]() var kv: AXKeyValuePair? = nil func addPrompt(_ p1: Prompt) { prompts.append(p1) } func getPrompt() -> String { if prompts.isEmpty {...
  16. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev java->swiftAXPrompt

    class Prompt { let regexUtil:RegexUtil = RegexUtil() var kv:AXKeyValuePair = AXKeyValuePair() var prompt:String = "" var regex:String = "" init() { kv.setKey(key: "default") } func getPrompt() -> String { return prompt } func...
  17. fukurou


  18. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev java->python AXPrompt

    class AXPrompt: def __init__(self): self.isActive: bool = False self.index = 0 self.prompts: list[Prompt] = [] self.kv: AXKeyValuePair = None def addPrompt(self, p1): self.prompts.append(p1) def getPrompt(self) -> Prompt: if...
  19. fukurou

    👨‍💻 dev java->python AXPrompt

    I haven't eaten garlic bread in quite a while, maybe I should