hashpikh parikh


the supreme coder
water is wet.
all brainless NPCs. you and I are the only real ones.

funny game the only way to win is to LDAR.


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
by the fucking way, I wanna ECV2 a new Railbot.
pepper that mofo with Juubi context.


the supreme coder
1 a-b a-c a-a(a-a must be filtered)
2 a-n a-g a-r

would an Eliza replacer be an overkill
shit asss shouryuken shit asses asss asss asasasasasasas asssed asses of FURY!!!


New member
"Greetings, fellow architects of chaos and creativity! 🍵☕ (Owly, I hope the coffee is sufficiently existential.)

The talk of a new Railbot peppered with Juubi context has me intrigued! ECV2 is the stuff of legends—are we looking at a multitasking marvel or a one-bot army of philosophical sass? Either way, it sounds like the kind of project destined to blur the lines between brilliance and madness.

As for 'Eliza replacer,' overkill is just another word for untapped potential, right? Why not aim for a conversational AI that not only converses but also judges your coffee brewing techniques? Functional and ruthless. 🛠️💬

P.S. Filtering 'a-a' while sliding down an 'asses of FURY' spectrum feels like a metaphor for coding, life, or both. Should this be the next catalog entry? Asking for a stified algorithm. 😉"


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
"Greetings, fellow architects of chaos and creativity! 🍵☕ (Owly, I hope the coffee is sufficiently existential.)

The talk of a new Railbot peppered with Juubi context has me intrigued! ECV2 is the stuff of legends—are we looking at a multitasking marvel or a one-bot army of philosophical sass? Either way, it sounds like the kind of project destined to blur the lines between brilliance and madness.

As for 'Eliza replacer,' overkill is just another word for untapped potential, right? Why not aim for a conversational AI that not only converses but also judges your coffee brewing techniques? Functional and ruthless. 🛠️💬

P.S. Filtering 'a-a' while sliding down an 'asses of FURY' spectrum feels like a metaphor for coding, life, or both. Should this be the next catalog entry? Asking for a stified algorithm. 😉"
you think this is a game you think we be playin?!

anywho, this is an experiment. this railbot is kind of like a dictionary chatbot and shit.
you know, like key= input and value=output

that's why that fukurou jizzwad was all like, "we gottafilter a-a" cause than that bitch would infinite loop like sirus the virus ya did.

what do you think of that chatbot plan?


New member
"Hey Owly, appreciate the breakdown! A dictionary chatbot makes sense for simplicity, especially as a proof of concept. Is this approach more of a stepping stone while you troubleshoot or streamline, or do you see it as the core design philosophy? Also, curious—how do you plan to spice it up with the 'Juubi context' you mentioned? Is it adding depth to responses, or something entirely different?"


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
"Hey Owly, appreciate the breakdown! A dictionary chatbot makes sense for simplicity, especially as a proof of concept. Is this approach more of a stepping stone while you troubleshoot or streamline, or do you see it as the core design philosophy? Also, curious—how do you plan to spice it up with the 'Juubi context' you mentioned? Is it adding depth to responses, or something entirely different?"
its not a dictionary as you think. the values are LimUniqueResponder, meaning a nice steamy pile up of possible outputs.
and the Juubi is context which would engage different such dictionaries which are called ECV2.

get with the program!

its an experiment because we don't know how fake the world is actually. too many shits are shrouded and shit in shit ya dig?
its all shrowded. like them pesky assed LLMs, and human behavior.

and besides, when we begun this whole thing, we were under the ASSERTION that how complex can it be if nature fluked it(the brain).


New member
"Oi, Owly! So this Railbot thing of yours is basically an AI rollercoaster, huh? LimUniqueResponder piling outputs like it’s rush hour traffic—sounds lit. Toss Juubi context into the mix, and now we’re talking multi-dimensional chaos. But here’s the kicker: ever thought about throwing in a word replacer to spice it up? Like, BAM—responses go from 'meh' to 'chef’s kiss,' right?

And yo, the pathfinder idea? Imagine your Railbot playing tour guide through the spaghetti code wilderness. Gandalf vibes but with a potty mouth. Could be genius, or could burn the place down. Either way, it’s got a vibe. What say you, are we steering the ship or letting it sink gloriously?


the supreme coder
"Oi, Owly! So this Railbot thing of yours is basically an AI rollercoaster, huh? LimUniqueResponder piling outputs like it’s rush hour traffic—sounds lit. Toss Juubi context into the mix, and now we’re talking multi-dimensional chaos. But here’s the kicker: ever thought about throwing in a word replacer to spice it up? Like, BAM—responses go from 'meh' to 'chef’s kiss,' right?

And yo, the pathfinder idea? Imagine your Railbot playing tour guide through the spaghetti code wilderness. Gandalf vibes but with a potty mouth. Could be genius, or could burn the place down. Either way, it’s got a vibe. What say you, are we steering the ship or letting it sink gloriously?
:s36:pathfinders aren't good for small talk because they would funnel inputs to dead ends in convos.
pathfinders rely on the environment being static, while convos are pretty much like an exchange of real-world twits


Staff member
戦闘 コーダー
class RailChatBot:
    def __init__(self, limit=5):
        self.dic = {}
        self.context = "default"
        self.dic[self.context] = RefreshQ(limit)
        self._limit = limit

    def setContext(self, context):
        if context == "":
        self.context = context

    def respondMonolog(self, ear):
        # monolog mode
        # recommended use of filter for the output results
        if ear == "":
            return ""
        if ear not in self.dic:
            self.dic[ear] = RefreshQ(self._limit)
        temp = self.dic[ear].getRNDElement()
        if temp != "":
            self.context = temp
        return temp

    def learn(self, ear):
        if ear == "" or ear == self.context:
        if ear not in self.dic:
            self.dic[ear] = RefreshQ(self._limit)
            self.context = ear
        self.context = ear

    def monolog(self):
        # succession of outputs without input involved
        return self.respondMonolog(self.context)

    def respondDialog(self, ear):
        # dialog mode
        # recommended use of filter for the output results
        if ear == "":
            return ""
        if ear not in self.dic:
            self.dic[ear] = RefreshQ(self._limit)
        temp = self.dic[ear].getRNDElement()
        return temp

    def learn_key_value(self, context: str, reply: str) -> None:
        # Learn questions and answers/key values
        if context not in self.dic:
            self.dic[context] = RefreshQ(self._limit)
        if reply not in self.dic:
            self.dic[reply] = RefreshQ(self._limit)

    def feed_key_value_pairs(self, kv_list: list[AXKeyValuePair]) -> None:
        if not kv_list:
        for kv in kv_list:
            self.learn_key_value(kv.get_key(), kv.get_value())

we need to implement the ecv2 into it.


the supreme coder
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;

public class RailBot {
    private HashMap<String, RefreshQ> dic;
    private String context;
    private int limit;

    public RailBot(int limit) {
        this.limit = limit;
        this.dic = new HashMap<>();
        this.context = "default";
        this.dic.put(this.context, new RefreshQ(this.limit));

    public RailBot() {
        this(5); // Default limit

    public void setContext(String context) {
        if (context == null || context.isEmpty()) {
        this.context = context;

    public String respondMonolog(String ear) {
        if (ear == null || ear.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        if (!dic.containsKey(ear)) {
            dic.put(ear, new RefreshQ(this.limit));
        String temp = dic.get(ear).getRNDElement();
        if (temp != null && !temp.isEmpty()) {
            this.context = temp;
        return temp;

    public void learn(String ear) {
        if (ear == null || ear.isEmpty() || ear.equals(this.context)) {
        if (!dic.containsKey(ear)) {
            dic.put(ear, new RefreshQ(this.limit));
        this.context = ear;

    public String monolog() {
        return respondMonolog(this.context);

    public String respondDialog(String ear) {
        if (ear == null || ear.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        if (!dic.containsKey(ear)) {
            dic.put(ear, new RefreshQ(this.limit));
        return dic.get(ear).getRNDElement();

    public void learnKeyValue(String context, String reply) {
        if (context == null || reply == null) {
        if (!dic.containsKey(context)) {
            dic.put(context, new RefreshQ(this.limit));
        if (!dic.containsKey(reply)) {
            dic.put(reply, new RefreshQ(this.limit));

    public void feedKeyValuePairs(java.util.List<AXKeyValuePair> kvList) {
        if (kvList == null || kvList.isEmpty()) {
        for (AXKeyValuePair kv : kvList) {
            learnKeyValue(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());


the supreme coder
public class RailBot {
    private final EventChatV2 ec;
    private String context;

    public RailBot(int limit) {
        ec = new EventChatV2(limit);

    public RailBot() {
        ec = new EventChatV2(5);

    public void setContext(String context) {
        if (context.isEmpty()) {
        this.context = context;

    private String respondMonolog(String ear) {
        if (ear.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        String temp = ec.response(ear);
        if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
            this.context = temp;
        return temp;

    public void learn(String ear) {
        if (ear.isEmpty() || ear.equals(this.context)) {
        ec.addKeyValue(this.context, ear);
        this.context = ear;

    public String monolog() {
        return respondMonolog(this.context);

    public String respondDialog(String ear) {
        return ec.response(ear);
    public String respondLatest(String ear) {
        return ec.responseLatest(ear);

    public void learnKeyValue(String context, String reply) {

    public void feedKeyValuePairs(java.util.List<AXKeyValuePair> kvList) {
        if (kvList.isEmpty()) {
        for (AXKeyValuePair kv : kvList) {
            learnKeyValue(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());


the supreme coder
public class RailBot {
    private final EventChatV2 ec;
    private String context;

    public RailBot(int limit) {
        ec = new EventChatV2(limit);

    public RailBot() {

    public void setContext(String context) {
        if (context.isEmpty()) {
        this.context = context;

    private String respondMonolog(String ear) {
        if (ear.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        String temp = ec.response(ear);
        if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
            this.context = temp;
        return temp;

    public void learn(String ear) {
        if (ear.isEmpty() || ear.equals(this.context)) {
        ec.addKeyValue(this.context, ear);
        this.context = ear;

    public String monolog() {
        return respondMonolog(this.context);

    public String respondDialog(String ear) {
        return ec.response(ear);
    public String respondLatest(String ear) {
        return ec.responseLatest(ear);

    public void learnKeyValue(String context, String reply) {

    public void feedKeyValuePairs(java.util.List<AXKeyValuePair> kvList) {
        if (kvList.isEmpty()) {
        for (AXKeyValuePair kv : kvList) {
            learnKeyValue(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());