Recent content by Heisenberg

  1. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    override func skillNotes(param: String) -> String { if param == "notes" { return "plain hello world skill" } else if param == "triggers" { return "say hello" } return "note unavailable" }
  2. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    public override func setDefaultNote() { notes["notes"] = UniqueResponder(value: "a bundle of grind and reward skills") }
  3. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    func addGrindSkill(skill: Skill) { axSkillBundle.addSkill(GamiPlus(skill: skill, axGamification: axGamification, gain: gain)) for _ in 0..<10 { notes["triggers"]?.addResponse("grind \(skill.skillNotes(param: "triggers"))") } } func addCostlySkill(skill: Skill) {...
  4. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    func manualAddResponse(key: String, value: String) { if notes[key] == nil { notes[key] = UniqueResponder(value: value) } notes[key]?.addResponse(value) } func addSkill(skill: Skill) { axSkillBundle.addSkill(skill) for i in 0..<10 {...
  5. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    var notes: [String: UniqueResponder] = { var tempDict = [String: UniqueResponder]() tempDict["triggers"] = UniqueResponder() return tempDict }()
  6. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    Swift port! Deploying portable lab!!
  7. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    t = UniqueResponder("one", "two", "three") for i in range(12): print(t.getAResponse())
  8. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    from typing import Dict, Any # Define a dictionary with type annotations my_dict: Dict[str, int] = { 'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 3 } # Use the get method to retrieve values with a default def get_or_default(dictionary: Dict[str, int], key: str, default: Any) -> Any...
  9. Heisenberg


  10. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    LG: Skill cls: skillNotes(param)->str AX: + UniqueRndGen cls, Skills: DiAware(match), notes: DiOneWorder(skillNotes), DiTime(skillNotes) part 2 port: AX: skillhubalgdispenser(getActiveSkillRef) skills: skillBranch(skillNotes), DiSmoothie0,1 skillNotes()
  11. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    OK now that the fucking shit in the ass feature is working lets get with the porting and shiiiiieeeeet. Java 1st. LG: Skill cls: skillNotes(param)->str AX: + UniqueRndGen cls, Skills: DiAware(match), notes: DiOneWorder(skillNotes), DiTime(skillNotes)
  12. Heisenberg

    Jesse ! we need to cook the new skill!

    its the only way @Jesse Pinkman